Archaeological sites in Sri Lanka
My country is very beautiful and many foreigners visit it. The
archaeological sites attract most of these tourists. The ancient cities
which are in ruins today were
the capitals of our ancient rulers, the kings.
Archaeological cities like Polonnaruwa, Anuradhapura, Panduwasnuwara
and Yapahuwa have many ruins. Archaeologists believe that these ruins
may be those of the palaces of ancient kings.
My country has a cultural heritage of over two thousand years. And
these cities had been very popular in the olden days. Polonnaruwa and
Anuradhapura had been the most popular among them because, many kings
had lived and ruled in these cities. The other importance is that these
cities were rich in natural resources, which added more beauty to these
Therefore, it is our paramount duty to safeguard these valuable
cities and resources for our future generations.
Wishmin Chamanga,
Grade 8,
Ceylinco Sussex College,
A tribute to my seeya
"Write one's name on the sand, and the waves may wash it away,
Write one's name on the air, and the wind may blow it away,

But write one's name in the hearts of people, who care
And that's where it'll stay, forever."
My beloved and irreplaceable grandfather was the heart and soul of
each and everyone of us. He carved his name in the hearts of those who
loved him, as solid as a rock. But he departed to a distant cloud two
years ago, on June 9.... leaving behind his much loved memories and his
Seeya your loss is felt with immense agony and the memories are
played back, cherished and treasured with my whole soul.
Once a doctor, once a husband, once a father and a grandfather. I've
never seen such a person who does each part with pleasure, dignity and
commitment. His gentle touch and his heavenly words eased unbearable
pains, cured incurable ailments, brought unconditional faith. His
presence itself, in the most darkest situations brought strength,
courage and determination to pursue our path.
To me he is a ray of hope in a storm, a diamond among a dozen rocks,
so unique, special and valuable.
He looks gracefully from his portrait among us, eyeing our every move
with dignity. Even though he is with us no more, he will always be deep
down in our hearts; so no wind or wave may wash his memories away.
My idol, he inspired and retained, each stepping stone. I'm
comforted, knowing that the silver lining he left behind will always
give strength and guide us as life goes on.
I consider myself to be one of the luckiest grandchildren to have had
the opportunity to be a part of his life. It was, and will always be, a
pride and an honour to have had him as my grandfather, I will do my part
in bringing pride to his irreplaceable name....
May his meritorious deeds shorten thejourney through Sansara and may
he attain the supreme bliss of Nirvana!! My seeya, and you will always
be secure in my heart.
Ranishka Ratnasekera,
Bishop's College,Colombo.
The parrot is

The parrot is a beautiful green coloured bird. It has a red beak
which is curved and seems to be very strong. Some parrots learn to
imitate what they hear and so they can speak a few words.
Some people keep parrots as pets not only in our country, but also in
other countries. There are people who allow them to live freely and some
who keep them in cages. Keeping them in cages is not a good practice
because if we forget to feed them they could die. Anyway we must not
hinder the freedom of any type of bird or animal by caging them. As
children, we must learn to let them live in their natural surroundings.
I love all birds.
Masna Jiffry,
Grade 6,
Jennath International School,
Where the
rainbow ends
Even though there are different colours in a rainbow, they all travel
together and end up in one place. Like the colours of the rainbow,
humans in this world too are
the colour of skin, their religion, language and race are not the same.
If we think of these differences a lot, we can't live together happily.
It is true that it is difficult to practise peace among all these
differences. But there is no difference of black or white for peace.
There is only humanity.
So, like the way the different colours of the rainbow travel
together, let's travel together to make a world of peace, through unity.
The rainbow has different colours, but all these colours blend into
each other. People also are diverse, but they must live together in
harmony like the rainbow. We have to love each other and understand our
brothers and sisters. We have to live peacefully.
Maneesha Kaluaddaarachchi,
Grade 9,Rathnavali Balika Vidyalaya,
Smoking affects your health
Smoking has become a very common habit, especially among young boys.
This habit usually begins at school when boys try to experiment with
every new thing that they hear or see and can lay their hands on.
Despite the warnings given by adults and doctors about the ill effects
of smoking, people continue to smoke.
Most smokers are addicted to it, and even if they want to, they
cannot refrain from picking up a cigar or cigarette and smoking it. Some
youngsters smoke out of peer pressure or to fit into a certain segment
of society. Some feel that smoking would make them appear liberated and
broadminded.At the start he/she may only take a few puffs from a
friend's cigarette, then comes a time when it becomes an indispensable
part of his/her life.
Having a puff could be the formation of a habit, so don't do it.
Smoking may affect the health of the smoker, but he/she is reluctant to
give it up. Many end up as 'chain-smokers'.Smoking causes lung cancer.
Tobacco companies all over the world have been requested to carry a
health warning on every packet of cigarettes or cigars. Even though
smoking is injurious to health and the packs warn you about the danger,
the smoker never reads this warning and even if he/she does, hardly pays
attention to this.The government increases the price of cigarettes and
tobacco every year. This is usually done to discourage people from
smoking. But it has no impact. People who are addicted to smoking,
continue to do so even if the price has gone up. Smoking not only harms
the smoker, but also others. The people who inhale the smoke released
from cigarettes become `passive smokers'. Therefore, smokers force the
members of their family and other people to bear the ill effects of
their smoking.
Smoking can be stopped if one has a strong willpower. Every person
has the ability to give it up, once he/she sets his/her mind to it
Chamodi Lakshani Liyanage,
Grade 10,
Gampola International School.
My father
My father is a Police Officer. He goes to work early in the morning.
He brings me biscuits and sweets in the evening.
Father is kind to me and loves me.
I too love him.
H.A. Jinadi Hallawa,
UKG,Western International School,Wennappuwa.
Your poems
Snakes, they thrill me
The king of reptiles is truly the snake,
But it's only known for the trouble it can make.

Who would like to be stung by a venom injector?
Or be crushed and swallowed by a boa constrictor?
The giant anaconda is truly the biggest,
The harmless grass snake is obviously the smallest
Snakes bite only when they're troubled,
Leave them alone, they are never a bother.
A python can eat a creature as big as a deer,
You have to accept that's something to fear.
A viper can strike as far as a metre,
But not a single snake is a greedy man-eater.
A rattlesnake threatens with its rattle,
A black mamba can scare a herd of cattle.
One of the deadliest is the Gaboon viper,
Striking so accurately, it's compared to a sniper.
I live in a world full of snakes
They are the ones who make me absolutely thrilled,
Even though none of their necks are beautifully frilled.
My dear readers, for snakes you must care,
For me, they're precious, like my cuddly teddy bear.
Shahmi Anas,
Ceylinco Sussex College, Kandy. |