President Rajapaksa’s portrait by Prof. M.T.M Jiffry
An academic- cum-artist’s impression
A very little is known about artistic pursuits of Prof. M.T.M Jiffry
who is a teacher in the Department of Physiology and currently is the
Vice Chairman
Inspired by the
historic victory of President Mahinda Rajapaksa against
terrorism, Prof. Jiffry drew the defining moment of
President Rajapaksa’s landing in a country which is free of
terrorism. The awe-inspiring sight of the President
worshipping the ground filled the sensitive artist in Prof.
Jiffry with pride and veneration for this remarkable leader
who defeated the scourge of terrorism for good. The result
was an invaluable portrait of President Mahinda Rajapaksa
paying homage to Mother Lanka. |
of the University Grants Commission. However, he is also
an accomplished artist.
He had to suppress his desire for drawing although he drew for the
first time at the age of six. Prof. Jiffry held his first exhibition of
paintings at the Main Library of the University of Peradeniya.
A significant characteristic of Prof. Jiffy’s diction of painting is
the use of bright colours and his keen eye for detail depiction from
diverse perspectives. At times, his paintings are multi-layered in terms
of diverse readings that emanate from them. They were surely not mere
drawing of every-day objects of life but inspired expression of the
extremely sensitive artist in Prof. Jiffry. He draws inspiration from
diverse sources such as nature, cultural pageants and folk dances like
For instance, the painting of Kavadi dancers depicts not only the
quintessential characteristic ritualistic dance done to pay homage to
the god but also the dancers’s typified movements, special postures of
the performers to the beatings of the drums. Kavadi dance is a popular
feature in many cultural pageants such as the Kandy Perahera and
Perahera in Kataragama. For this painting, bright colours red, blue and
green have been used. A dancer carries a peacock’s feather which is
associated with God Kataragama.
Prof. Jiffry’s forte seems to be in the abstract paintings. For
instance painting such as Foliage, Acrobatics and Concentration shows
strikingly unique style of painting and line architecture. Some of these
abstract features can also been seen in his portraits and paintings on
This has added a unique artist’s perspective to each and every
painting making them distinguishable from mere recreations of every day
objects. For the image, simple brush strokes have been used with
different degree of shades of green to create a mess of foliage.
Prof.Jiffry’s success in paintings is a testimony to the
multi-talented academics in Sri Lanka. Specially, he draws for sheer
pleasure and his expressions, definitely, emerge from the bottom of his
On President Mahinda
Primarily Prof. Jiffry uses oil paintings
as a medium for his creations. For the President’s portrait,
he has used bright colours such as red, blue and white. Here
President Mahinda Rajapaksa clad in immaculately white
National costume with his signature red shawl, adoring
Mother Lanka. Though the colour of shawl and that of the Sri
Lanka is not the same, the colour of the Mother Lanka and
that of President Rajapaksa is similar symbolising that the
Government is, now, in control of the entire island.
Significantly the immaculate white is also a symbol of
purity in ancient culture and also in many other
civilisations. Therefore, the bright white or sharp white of
President’s national costume intuitively suggest that he has
a clear vision and mission with pure intentions of serving
the nation. Here the artist has encapsulated all the
qualities embodied by President Mahinda Rajapaksa’s upright
character and iron will to carry out his mission.
The entirety of the frame is dominated by
the larger-than-life portrait of President Mahinda Rajapaksa.
This is also a clever mode of projecting a
great personality who is living in the hearts and minds of
thousands of Sri Lankans around the world. The portrait is,
perhaps, the most sincere tribute to President Mahinda
Rajapaksa from an Artist. (RC) |