Solving the issues of IDPs:
Reaching out for a better tomorrow
I have returned this afternoon from a visit to Vavuniya - a visit
that enabled me to see, at first hand, the conditions under which the
internally displaced are being housed and cared for by the Government. I
must inform this House that what I saw and learned from the several
parties that I talked to was the fact that conditions have improved
since the critical period in the third week of May when the huge influx
of people placed intense pressure on the ability and resources of the
authorities to deal with the various needs of these persons.
I am not, claiming that the situation in that area is ideal. Indeed
as we move from a crisis phase into a care and maintenance operation and
while we are focusing on creating the conditions that will permit an
early return to their places of origin within the shortest space of
time, the Government, assisted by its partners - both local and
international - are working hard to ensure that the conditions in the
relief villages and welfare centres are continuously improved and
upgraded in keeping with global norms and standards. I must, at this
point, emphasize that the IDP sites are a temporary measure to keep
these people in safety and security until a process of sustainable
return and resettlement can be ensured.
Conditions must be improved
However, this does not mean that we do not provide them with the
maximum level of comfort and care that we can afford.
We are quite definite in our view that conditions on the so-called
welfare centres and relief villages can and must be improved. As I have
said on numerous occasions, these persons are not a mere statistic to be
discussed as an abstract problem.
These are Sri Lankan citizens with all the expectations, hopes and
dreams of a better tomorrow which has been made possible by the defeat
of terrorism.
We must not let those aspirations wither away for want of
concentrated and concerted effort on our part. The Government of
President Rajapaksa is determined that, as far as possible, the shelter,
water supply, sanitation, food, healthcare, education and other
ancillary services must be provided in accordance with the identified
needs of the people. I am particularly concerned that the so called
protection needs, the right to personal safety and security and broad
concerns of human rights, are adequately catered for.
Keeping in mind that this a unique situation where a population of
over 280,000 IDPs in Vavuniya, Jaffna, Mannar and Trincomalee Districts
are being housed and cared for in the aftermath of a historic operation
to rescue them from a ruthless terrorist organization, all necessary
measures must be taken to ensure not only their welfare but also the
welfare of the general populace of Sri Lanka in those areas and in the
rest of the country.
It is for this reason, that the freedom of movement of some of these
IDPs has been restricted. We are not happy to do so nor are we totally
inconsiderate of their rights. We are well aware that some cadres of the
LTTE have infiltrated the ranks of the IDPs and, until and unless those
cadres are filtered out, we have no option but to keep them within the
welfare centres and relief villages. However, we have taken measures
where possible to release some persons having duly considered their
needs and the exigencies of their personal circumstances. Therefore over
9,000 persons- children, elderly, pregnant mothers, mothers with very
young children and the disabled have been released on a gradual basis
after a thorough check as to their bona fides was carried out. It is our
expectation that those who can be released, will be released in the days
to come.
Another 14,000 people constituting over 5,000 families have benefited
from the efforts made at reunification. Persons who flooded out of the
no-fire zone were sometimes separated from their families and ended up
at different locations.
These persons are now being reunited with their immediate family
members and are able to take comfort in the company of their loved ones.
The Government has no wish to add to the trauma of these persons who
have managed to escape a conflict during which they were held hostage by
the LTTE. The process of reunification is ongoing.
In pursuance of my Ministry’s role in the protection sector both from
a disaster management and a human rights perspective, we have taken the
lead in forming a protection working group in Colombo to discuss and
take measures to alleviate the situation of the IDPs. We have invited
the United Nations Resident Coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator and
the Representative of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to join key
Government stakeholders in sharing experiences and evolving solutions to
the problems they face.
One such outcome is the strengthening of the Community Service
Centres in the Relief Villages on the basis that there is one Community
Centre to service approximately 5,000 IDPs. This is a measure that we
mooted and one that was fleshed out by my Ministry working in close
cooperation with the Child Development and Women’s Empowerment Ministry,
civil society and UNHCR. We hope that a range of services can be made
available to cater to the needs of the IDPs through counselling
services, women’s and children’s desks, a desk of the Human Rights
Commission of Sri Lanka, the Healthcare and Nutrition Ministry and the
like. The Centres we expect will become ‘one-stop shops’ where several
of the requirements of the IDPs will be supplied.
Protection issues
In this context, I have facilitated a dialogue between the Human
Rights Commission of Sri Lanka and the UN System and the Vavuniya office
of the Commission will be strengthened to improve their capacity to
respond to protection issues. Initially for a period of six months, the
Commission’s regional office will be supported to undertake visits and
to talk to IDPs with a view to identifying and resolving their
grievances. It is my opinion that an independent national institution
such as the Human Rights Commission will be the most suitable
organization to play this vital role in caring for the IDP population in
the Relief Villages.
The IDPs, like any other group of citizens, have the right to receive
information as to the Government’s various services that are provided or
available to them. I am pleased to inform this House that we plan to put
up several information points where vital information is provided to the
This is a very important measure that will greatly assist the IDPs to
access the range of services that are being increasingly made available
to them by the Government.
A lot of the incidents reported stem from the overcrowding and
congestion of persons in a confined space. Inevitably, this will lead to
complaints of abuse and lack of adequate protection. You will be
pleased, to note that the Competent Authority for Internally Displaced
Persons has taken the initiative to establish smaller satellite villages
of approximately 5,000 persons each which helps ease the congestion in
the larger relief villages.This has several other beneficial results.
One is that camp management for a much smaller number of persons becomes
much more practicable and another is that service delivery and the
provision of facilities becomes much easier.
Already four of these satellite villages have been established and we
expect that this initiative will continue in the future.
There have been several untruths published with regard to the IDPs
and their situation. This is especially the case in relation to one
foreign newspaper which has consistently exaggerated the situation to
paint the worst possible picture of the plight of IDPs. For instance, 10
days ago this newspaper carried an article which stated that: “About
1,400 people are dying every week at the giant Manik Farm internment
camp set up in Sri Lanka to detain Tamil refugees from the nation’s
bloody civil war”. Such provocative and blatantly false language is a
crass attempt to sling mud at the Government of the President.
I can tell you, and through you the Members of this House, that the
Healthcare and Nutrition Ministry is closely monitoring the health
situation and has reported only 163 deaths in the first two weeks of
this month. These figures are high but are well below danger line
identified by the SPHERE guidelines for comparable humanitarian
situations for the South Asian sub-region.
Health issues
The Disaster Preparedness and Response Unit of the Health Ministry is
mapping out the causes of death and we should be able to bring down the
mortality rate still further through better targeted health service
provision. It is best left to the imagination to find reasons why such
untruths are being bandied about by the foreign media. As my Ministry
also enjoys a coordination mandate we have, from very early in the
conflict, facilitated discussion between key Government focal points,
international organizations and our bilateral partners with a view to
overcoming the several challenges we face together in providing
humanitarian assistance to those affected by the conflict. I chair the
Consultative Committee on Humanitarian Assistance (the CCHA) which
brings together all these parties and where we are able to jointly
identify challenges and gaps and bring our collective efforts to bear on
resolving any difficulties. Moreover, I have instructed the officials of
the Disaster Management Centre, which comes under the purview of my
Ministry, to strengthen its operational presence in Vavuniya to better
coordinate the provision of humanitarian assistance by working closely
with the Government, international organizations, national and
international Non-Governmental Organizations and the local Government
We have, through this initiative, identified a potential hazard of
flooding in the several zones during the upcoming rainy season and have
taken steps to commence the construction of drainage systems to prevent
and mitigate this risk. We will work closely with all our partners to
enhance preparedness and develop mitigatory measures and responses to
any foreseeable hazard.
I have highlighted just a handful of measures among the many others
to illustrate the Government’s commitment to continuously care for IDPs
and to seek to improve their living conditions.
Many of my ministerial colleagues have visited the IDP sites and have
taken a wide range of measures to address the many issues that are bound
to crop up in complex situations of this nature.
We still need to work on providing better temporary shelters, more
and better quality sanitation facilities, we need to focus on education
and care for women and children - two very vulnerable groups - provision
of psycho-social assistance, open recreational spaces and many more
relief measures.
Correct approach
We are approaching these challenges in a structured and scientific
Looking ahead, we are working hard to resettle the bulk of IDPs by
the end of the year.
This resettlement must happen within the context of the “Wadakkin
Wasantham” program. There are several stages which have to be gone
through before we can confidently state that we have achieved all the
targets that President Rajapaksa has set his Government.
De-mining, ensuring of security and law and order in the North,
development of physical infrastructure, restoration of damaged public
and private buildings, facilitation of voluntary returns, renewal of
social infrastructure and a sense of community and, finally, the
resuscitation and re-establishment of democratic institutions truly
representative of the people and their legitimate interests and
aspirations. Our colleague, Basil Rajapaksa MP, is working tirelessly to
fulfil these responsibilities in his capacity as the Chairperson of the
Presidential Task Force for Resettlement, Development and Security in
the Northern Province.He is ably assisted by Minister Rishad Bathiudeen
who is also working very hard. I believe every one of us, in Government
and outside, needs to give them our unstinted support and cooperation to
ensure the success of this truly national endeavour.It is when these are
all achieved that we can confidently state that we have overcome the
post-conflict challenges to add lustre to the tremendous military
victory achieved over the forces of terrorism.
An enduring and stable peace based on universal values of mutual
respect, coexistence and brotherhood is the best tribute we can pay to
the memory of the many who have made the Supreme Sacrifice for our
(Address by Disaster Management and Human Rights
Minister, Mahinda Samarasinghe in Parliament during the Adjournment
Debate on Internally Displaced Persons on July 22).