Rs. 3 m to develop North fisheries sector
The Ministry of Fisheries will produce over 50,000mt fish from the
inland fisheries sector by the end of the year, said Deputy Minister of
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Neomal Perera.
He said this is a significant growth from the production of around
30,000mt since 1992 and the target for next year is 65, 000mt.
The government allocated Rs. 50 million from last year's budget to
develop the inland fisheries sector. All hatcheries will be
rehabilitated and the production capacities will be increased.
"The Ministry will release around four million fingerlings by the end
of this month to all major districts in the North. Measures have been
taken to release the fingerings to all tanks", Perera said.He said that
with the resettlement process completed a fingerling would grow upto
400g. Training centres and laboratories will be set up in all districts
which will help enhance the production.
"The private sector will be invited to invest in the breeding centres
and promote sales through fishermen in the area" he said.
The contribution of the fisheries sector to the GDP will increase
from the current two percent to six percent in the next four years. All
restrictions on fishing due to the war have been removed and fishermen
could freely engage in the occupation.
"The Ministry has allocated Rs. 1 billion to provide fishing gear,
engines and equipment for fishermen in the North", he said.
The fourth largest hatchery will be set up in Iranamadu by the end of
the year with an investment of Rs. 3 million. Over 20,000 million
fingerlings will be released from the tanks a year.
The Inland Fisheries sector releases around 50 million fingerlings a
year from its brood stocks in Udawalawe, Iginiyagala and Dambulla. These
centres were set up in 1972 with a grant received from China.