IFA seminar on Taxation
The International Fiscal Association (Sri Lanka Branch) will hold a
seminar on Taxation at the HNB Auditorium on Wednesday, July 29, from 9
a.m. to 1 p.m.
The International Fiscal association (IFA) was established in 1938
with its headquarters in the Netherlands. It is the only
non-governmental and non-sectoral international organisation dealing
with fiscal matters. Membership of IFA now stands at more than 12,000
from 100 countries. In 59 countries, IFA members have established IFA
Branches. Direct membership is possible in countries where there is no
IFA Branch as yet.
The objecting of the IFA are the study and advancement of
international and comparative law in regard to public finance,
specifically international and comparative tax law and the financial and
economic aspects of taxation.
IFA exerts its influence through its annual congresses, at Branch
level and through scientific research. Although the operations of the
IFA are essentially scientific in character, the subjects selected take
account of the current fiscal developments and changes in local
legislation. In many jurisdiction, the IFA Branch plays and active role
where issues of international taxation are concerned, be it in a formal
or informal way.
An annual Congress, hosted by one of IFA's Branches, provides an
opportunity for an exchange of knowledge and experience with respect to
fiscal law.
Participants will receive firsthand information about the amendments
to the Inland Revenue Act, Value Added Tax Act and other Acts arising
from the 2009 Budget. The Speakers and the Panellists will analayse and
discuss the most recent fiscal amendments and the consequential effects
on taxpayers. The keynote address will be delivered by E.M.M. Medagoda,
Commissioner General of Inland Revenue.