ICASL to open knowledge centres
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka (ICASL) the
National Professional Accounting body of Sri Lanka will open four
branches in the near future. The branches known as knowledge centres
will be opened in Batticaloa, Jaffna, Badulla and Ratnapura to serve its
students and members more efficiently. The Institute with over 3,500
members and over 25,000 registered students is the sole Accounting and
Auditing Standards setting authority in Sri Lanka. The Institute is a
member of the International Federation of Accountants (IFAC), The
Confederation of Asian and Pacific Accountants (CAPA) and a Founder
member of the South Asian Federation of the Accountants (SAFA).
The Institute examinations comprise of Foundation, Intermediate and
Final Part I and II. The Institute is a member of the International
Federation of Accountants (IFAC) and the International Accounting
Standards Committee (IASC). It is also a member of the Confederation of
Asian & Pacific Accountants (CAPA), and a founder member of the South
Asian Federation of Accountants (SAFA). The Institute is the sole
Accounting Standards setting authority in Sri Lanka, and the application
of such Standards is mandatory for all companies listed on the Colombo
Stock Exchange. |