Itumina from Capital Reach
Saving a part of what is earned, even a small part, is one way to
build-up your wealth. "Itumina", the Investment Savings account
introduced by the Capital Reach Leasing PLC. is a beneficial savings
It provids an easy way to build a saving fund for essentials in life
such as higher education, a home and a pension.
Itumina, can be described as retirement plan too. Today retirement
has become a crucial thing that all must plan for.
The importance of having a retirement plan cannot be emphasized
Today, the life span of an average person has increased as much as by
5-7 years compared to a decade ago; the average age of the population
has increased; the life span one must spend in retirement has increased
drastically. All these points to importance of planning your "savings";
i.e the amount of savings that you will have at the end of the
A product like Itumina can lead the way to a happy retirement.
Often people tend to postpone savings over more urgent day to day
expenses without realizing that time is often the worst enemy, when it
comes to "savings"; that essential future security.
The age at which you start saving can make a huge difference in the
quality of life you can expect at retirement. The difference in the
amount you can save if you had started saving at 20 years of age and if
you had started 5 years later can be as great as 50%. Just 5 years delay
can reduce your savings by 50%. If you save Rs. 500 when 20 years of
age, 40 years later at retirement you would have build up a saving fund
of approximately Rs. 11.3 mn and if you start at the age of 25, in 35
years time, you would have a fund of Rs. 5.6 mn only.
Capital Reach Itumina savings allows the depositor to save little by
little and systematically build-up their capital and earn above average
Itumina Savings, while encouraging consistent saving habits among the
clients, does not burden them with minimum balance requirements.
The saving per month is determined by the client himself and can be
as low as Rs. 500. The Itumina Savings account will build up an ideal
nest-egg for the saver over a period with the least effort from the
saver. |