Death and devastation,
Enveloped three decades-long,
Agony and brutality,
Ruined and shaken in uncertainty.
Madness for an imaginary Raj,
Only became an illusion at last,
Terror and trauma they unleashed,
Halted my nation's beat,
End of the brutal saga,
Rendered thou nothing but by life.
Look how quickly,
A Karmic force did chase them,
Nagging and brewing it was,
Deadly blow, finally embraced.
P.D. Padmasiri
Were it a bright day,
'Friends' would've been there,
Movie, party, or a play,
Miss it? they won't dare.
Yet, that darkest hour,
They were nowhere near,
Many excuses to cover,
But does it matter, I fear.
Dad, even in your goodbye,
You thought me a truth worthwhile,
'Alone you stand when you cry,
Though crowds gather when you smile.'
Shyama W. Samaranayake
Victorious Sri Lanka
Thanks to our heroes, finally we gained the victory,
They made a star shine in our long history,
Along with them raised up the leader of our country,
And did all of them solve the riddle wrapped with the mystery.
The flag of the lion, the lions of our country raised,
While the LTTE losers were killed and failed,
Of course a mother would feel her child's demise,
But she would not regret for all what she did was worthwhile.
Finally the wind of the peace comes lapping through our doors,
For some the sound of the battle field still echoes,
Let us honour our noble heroes for going passing miles,
And pray the word 'War' never rings in our, ears.
Azra Azhar
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