All set for Indo-Lanka ferry service
by Irangika RANGE
The Government has taken measures to commence the proposed ferry
service linking Colombo-Cochin and Tuticorin, Transport Minister Dullas
Alahapperuma said. The Minister told the inauguration ceremony of the
second SAARC Transport Ministers Conference at the Colombo Hilton
yesterday, that the Government has already constructed the local
infrastructure to commence this project.
The Minister said the proposal for the railway link between
Talaimannar and Chennai and a land bridge would be considered as the
projects of the century. “The linkage through this to the Trans Asian
Highway and the Trans Asian Railway are two projects that we hope to
complete soon,” the Minister said. The Minister said that the regular
ferry service that used to operate from Talaimannar to Rameshwaram was
not operational for the past 25 years due to terrorism.
Sri Lanka, under the leadership of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, has
already held consultations among the different agencies and departments
to identify the measures required to implement these projects advocated
by the Inter-Governmental Group on Transport as recommended by the SAARC
Regional Multimodal Transport Study. The Minister said that leaders at
the 15th SAARC Summit in Colombo in August last year, had reiterated the
critical importance of an efficient multimodal transport system in the
There should be a clear realisation at political level regarding the
necessity to strengthen intra-regional people-to-people connectivity in
South Asia through infrastructure development and enhanced transport
linkages, he said.
The lack of regular direct flights between many SAARC countries had
created gaps within the region.
This is no doubt a difficult undertaking for travellers. With the
recent developments that have taken place in Sri Lanka, we hope that our
people would again enjoy the benefits of enhanced connectivity through a
regular ferry service between our two countries,” the Minister said.
Minister Alahapperuma was nominated as Chairperson of the second SAARC
Transport Ministers Conference.