Over 1,000 HIV/AIDS affected persons reported:
Minister calls for vigilance in workplaces
Labour Relations and Manpower Minister Athauda Seneviratne yesterday
said that over 1,000 HIV/AIDS affected persons have been reported from
various parts of the country and called upon the managers of all public
and private sector institutions to be vigilant over such workers,
employed within their workplaces. “It is the duty of managers and other
higher officials to educate their own workforce about the negative
impact and the stigma of HIV/AIDS, the most dangerous disease,” he said.
According to the latest Health Ministry statistics, over 90 percent
persons affected with HIV/AIDS in the country are between 29 and 49 and
everybody must know that they are from the most productive section in
the society.
Referring to a conference, conducted by the Lanka Business Coalition
on HIV/AIDS, Minister Seneviratne told the Sunday Observer that the
management of any institution must first recognize that their biggest
asset is their workforce.
He said that HIV/AIDS affects the most productive segment of the
labour force and as a result, productivity gradually declines which
would lead to the loss of skilled and experienced workers.
“If the workforce is not performing to the optimum level, the company
is not achieving its ultimate goals,” he said.
Minister Seneviratne also highlighted that HIV/AIDS is spreading very
fast from urban to rural areas and from the high-risk groups to the
general population.
He called upon all health conscious people in the country to fight
against HIV/AIDS.