Regional Postal Centre in Ampara
As a major step in improving the quality of postal services
throughout the country, a regional centre for the distribution of forms
and other documentation was opened in Ampara by Prof. G.L. Peiris,
Minister of Export Development and International Trade and Acting
Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, recently.
The Minister, in his address, described this initiative as an aspect
of modernisation of essential services. He said that more distant
regions will benefit particularly from this measure, since the
distribution of documents will no longer be handled exclusively from the
central office in Narahenpita. There will now be a more rapid and
efficient service reflecting greater sensitivity to needs and priorities
in different parts of the country, he said.
With the defeat of terrorism and the ushering in of stable and
durable peace, the Government is now able to utilise greater resources
for the development of the country as a whole, with a special focus on
rural areas which had suffered comparative neglect in the past. The
Government regards development of infrastructure and services as a
matter of high priority, Prof. Peiris said.
The transformation which is quiet evident in the Eastern Province, in
the form of better roads, new buildings, rural electrification and the
significantly improved quality of health and education services, is the
result of the Government's policy of giving special attention to the
rural hinterland and less developed areas, with a view to enhancing the
quality of life in the post-conflict situation.
Minister of Plan Implementation, P. Dayaratna commended this
initiative as timely and exceedingly beneficial to the Eastern Province.