Rubber planting project in Moneragala
A rubber planting project of 40,000 hectares in Moneragala District
has been initiated by the Ministry of Plantation Industries. This
project is implemented under the smallholder Plantations
Entrepreneurship Development Program. D. M. Jayaratne, Minister of
Plantation Industries paid a field visit in Moneragala District for the
supervision of the project.
During the visit, a number of rubber nurseries were observed by him.
Having visited the government rubber nursery of Kumbukkana, Monaragala
and the private rubber nursery of Wellassa, the Minister stated that the
Monaragala District should be converted as a centre for production of
high quality latex.
Under the Mahinda Chinthana Development Policy, this new rubber
planting project will be implemented up to 2016. Under the relevant
program rubber planting was carried out in 1500 hectares last year. New
rubber planting activities swill be carried out in 2,500 hectares in
this year as well.
D. M. Jayaratne further said that the all required infrastructure
should be improved for the expansion of rubber cultivation in the
area.He further added that the modern technology and the research
facilities for grafting plants should also be improved.
Secretary to the Ministry of Plantation Industries, Indrani
Sugathadasa, Additional Secretary, Wimal Jayawardena, Director General
of Rubber Development Department, Wimal Rubasinghe and some other
officials participated in the visit.Subsequent to the above field visit,
an awareness program was conducted for rubber growers at the community
hall of Monaragala.
The attention was focused widely on the issues faced by the rubber
growers and the Minister advised the officials to take immediate action
in respect of the acquisition of lands for rubber cultivation
Planting subsidies were also granted for rubber growers on the