Conceding defeat
When Ra-Blue failed in all his sinister moves to block the Ay-em-ef
loan, he said that it will be a Government under his leadership that
will have to pay back those long-term loans. Does it mean that Ra-Blue
is confident that he is going to lose the next Prez elections as the pay
back period will be over five years?
Atta-Leader's threat
Differences between Es Bee and Atta-Leader have widened as Ra-Blue
continues to play games under his divide and rule policy. Atta-Leader
has threatened to resign if Es Bee is allowed to contest in the hill
He has told Ra-Blue that Es Bee should confine his politics to Nuwara-Light.
Saj takes on Sun
The Elephant Party is facing more problems with Sun Kind-Leader
taking Saj, the love slave, head on. The Kind-Leader, who is caught up
in a legal battle over a foreign currency fraud, severely criticised
Saj's remarks on the executive presidency at a recent news conference at
Kotha that is Siri.
The same game
Why is our leader so keen to continue his 'partnership' with Wedding
Sam? a Green stalwart from Kurunegala questioned at a Woc Com meeting.
Came the instant reply from a fellow Em Pee - "because both of them are
from the same school and play the same game".
Poor crowds
Ra-Blue has chided party organisers in Uva as most of the Elephant
party rallies did not attract large crowds. Only Ranjit Middle-Bandara
was able to 'import' some people and an angry party leader has told the
organisers that he could well imagine their plight at the elections.
Poor base
An internal survey by the Bell Party has revealed that the red shirts
have only a 2.7 vote base in the entire country. Some, the one-sa, was
deeply perturbed over the news and has asked his rassroots levels to
make more recruitments and tap school-leavers and undergraduates? Await
the next move! |