Be an expert in problem solving
Twelve-year-old Siri, brought up in the backwoods in Down South, was
admitted to a prestigious English school in the city. He was every happy
to mix with children who spoke a foreign language as if it were their
mother tongue. Without having studied English at his village school,
Siri soon became the butt of crude jokes. Although he tried very hard to
pronounce English words correctly, he simply could not do so. Meanwhile,
others in his class laughed at his accent and social manners.
Siri could not take it any longer. So, he wrote to his father to have
him admitted to a Sinhala medium school. Although father was willing to
accede to his request, mother had second thoughts about the matter. She
immediately wrote to her son asking him to cope with the problem without
quitting the school. When he came home for the holidays, mother listened
to his problem once again and said, "If others are laughing at your
accent, don't worry about it. Make it your strong point".
"But how?"
"Be proud of your southern accent for the time being. You can't reach
the BBC standard all at once. When YOU don't worry about your accent
others might take you to be a brave boy. One day you're going to beat
all of them in their own game. Take heart, my son".
Soon other children in his class began to respect him for his
southern accent. He learned the language so well that he passed all the
examinations with flying colours. Finally he became a lecturer in
English. His success was due to the fact that he turned his weakness
into a strong point.Most of us face such problems in life both at home
and at workplace. However, when such problems arise we become helpless
and depressed. If you think over the problem carefully, you will find a
Edward de Bono, one time Director of the Cognitive Research Trust in
Cambridge, England came up with a new technique of problem solving. He
called it "Reversal method". To illustrate his theory he cited an
ambulance rushing to a hospital with a patient on board. On the way the
ambulance finds it difficult to proceed as the road is blocked by a
flock of sheep.
In such a situation what can the ambulance driver do? If he drives
through the flock of sheep, the vehicle will be damaged and some of the
sheep will be killed or maimed. Edward de Bono's solution was simple. He
says that the driver should stop the ambulance and allow the sheep to go
ahead. Then he can drive the ambulance leaving the sheep behind.
A somewhat similar lesson was taught by a karate master. He says if
your opponent aims a blow at you, you should not block it. Instead you
should try to avoid it. When you avoid his blows, he will soon become
The advantage of a reversal as a problem-solving technique is that it
frees you from old ways of looking at a problem. A good example comes
from a young cashier who was not happy with his job. He always ran short
of money and was pulled up by the management. At one stage he wanted to
be a teacher or at least a clerk. Then somebody advised him to reverse
the problem and find a solution. He did just that by applying for a
position in a bank where he had to handle a lot of cash. He became a
highly disciplined bank officer within a few years.
Redefining a problem is another way of solving it. For instance,
think of a man who is partially paralysed. He has been advised to avoid
long distance travelling. However, he needed a job and that involved
travelling to distant places. He redefined the problem of travelling and
came up with a solution. Instead of using public transport which is
risky even for healthy people, he engaged the services of a private
vehicle which transported office workers. Although he had to pay a
little more, his problem was solved.
When you face a problem, plan for the results. Suppose you have a
limited income and there are many demands on your money. This is the
time to think of the results. If you buy an expensive camera for your
son, you will not have enough money for household expenses. Similarly,
if you invest money in a harebrained scheme, you are taking an
unnecessary risk. To solve this problem discuss the situation with all
the family members before spending a large slice of your income.
Most of us are used to do an eight-hour job in an office or a
factory. Sometimes, if an employee is asked to report for duty at 7 p.m.
and work till midnight, he will feel depressed. He will not be able to
watch his favourite teledrama, mix with family members and sleep at
scheduled times. The best course in such a situation is to break the
routine and rework your schedule. You can ask somebody to record your
favourite program so that you can watch it at leisure. Also arrange to
meet your family members during the day.Brainstorming is perhaps the
best way to solve problems. During a brainstorming session, you invite
everyone in the family or in office to come out with their views. In
such a session, everyone has to be flexible. After listening to every
shade of opinion, you will be in a better position to solve most of your
Another sure-fire method of problem solving is to make your minus a
plus point. Once I met a journalist who was working for a leading
newspaper in Germany. From his childhood his ambition had been to work
for that newspaper. However, when he sent in his application to the
newspaper editor for the post of trainee journalist, he received a rude
"This is a fast league and we have no time to train young people. Try
to join a provincial newspaper and gather some experience".
The youth who did not want to work for a provincial newspaper wrote
back to the editor. "I wish to gather experience by working for a fast
league. That will give me an opportunity to study how a leading
newspaper works". In a few days he received his appointment letter.As
has been seen, there are more ways than one to solve your problems. Make
problem solving your forte and enjoy life to the full.