Greater interest for Lankan products in Japan
by Surekha GALAGODA

Masahide Sakishige
The Japanese are really interested in natural healthcare and eco
friendly products such as organic products. Therefore, I think these
products might have the potential for the market in Japan, said the
Resident Representative JETRO Colombo, Masahide Sakishige.
He said that if a person wants to export to Japan he should first do
research on the Japanese market so that he understands the preference of
the consumers and then highlight the positive factors.
Sakishige said that if the products do not meet requirements of the
buyer (demand side) they will never buy it. Therefore it is essential to
understand the preference of the Japanese and modify or improve to suit
their requirements. He said “branding is also important and if a Sri
Lankan product can establish its brand in the Japanese market it might
become popular”.
Speaking of garments, he said that Japanese are not only quality
conscious but also price conscious. However garment exporters should
focus on the high end of the market, which has a high value addition and
most importantly the items should be unique.
Sakishige said that the number of inquiries from Japan is increasing
since July and therefore he feels that the interest will grow gradually
as the war has come to an end and there is peace in Sri Lanka.
He said that it is difficult for Japanese investors to obtain
adequate information about the investment potential in Sri Lanka and
therefore it has to be highlighted including the importance of the North
and East. For that purpose PR work and some efforts to make Japanese
people understand the real situation and attractiveness of Sri Lanka are
Providing a comparison between Sri Lanka and other developing
countries to Japanese investors is also important. It is also essential
that Sri Lanka looks after the Japanese investors who are already in Sri
Lanka so that they in turn will promote Sri Lanka. At present the
Japanese investors are facing several problems including issues on
outstanding VAT refunds, sudden stoppage of electricity as well as
labour related issues.
Therefore Sri Lanka should solve their issues before trying to
attract new investments from Japan. Sakishige said “I want to do my best
to strengthen the relationship between Japan and Sri Lanka during my
stay.” JETRO supports economic activities in Sri Lanka by promoting
trade and investment between the two countries through the Sri Lanka
Export Development Board (SLEDB) and Board of Investment (BOI), which
are our line organizations.
Especially in the Food & Beverage sector, we support Sri Lankan
companies to participate at FOODEX, which is one of the biggest trade
fairs in Japan held annually. We constantly explore the possibility of
introducing potential new products from Sri Lanka to the Japanese
He further said that JETRO supports Sri Lankan companies to invest
and set up their own businesses in Japan. Masahide Sakishige, holder of
a Masters Degree in Political Science from the University of Waseda, was
born in Hiroshima prefecture in Japan on August 21, 1975.
Soon after obtaining MA Degree, he has joined Japan External Trade
Organization (JETRO) in April 2000, and given his service for ODA
supported export promotion projects aimed for developing countries at
Trade & Economic Cooperation Department in JETRO for three years, and
thereafter has been posted to Ministry of Economy, Trade & Industry (METI)
in Japan for two years period.
At the SME Agency in METI he has been involved in sharing Japanese
SME policy in other countries through multinational regional cooperation
schemes such as APEC. After two years service at METI, he was posted to
JETRO HQ again, where he was responsible for Asian Trade Promotion Forum
(ATPF) at Asian Cooperation Division.
After that he has been engaged in budget allocation, management and
other budget related activities at the Planning Division. After two and
half year period at Planning Division of JETRO HQ he has been posted as
the Resident Representative of JETRO Colombo with effect from April