ComBank's CSR Trust presents 25 more schools
The Commercial Bank recently presented 25 more scholarships to needy
undergraduates under its program to promote the creation of wealth by
supporting the higher education of future generations.

The scholarship recipients with representatives of Commercial
Bank’s CSR Trust and the University Grants Commission. |
This was the third such presentation of undergraduate scholarships by
the country's benchmark private bank. In its first disbursement, the
Bank presented 100 scholarships, and announced it would award 25 every
year thereafter.
Selected undergraduates are entitled to receive Rs. 2,500 in
scholarship money per month for ten academic months of every year that
they study at the University, under this program launched by the Bank's
Corporate Social Responsibility Trust. The Bank has to-date presented
150 scholarships to undergraduates.
The 25 undergraduates who received scholarships this year represented
five faculties including the Management Faculty of the University of
Colombo, Management and Medical faculties of the University of Jaffna
and the Medical Faculties of the Universities of Peradeniya and Ruhuna.
Speaking at the presentation of the new scholarships B.R.L. Fernando
Deputy Chairman of Commercial Bank said that as the leading private bank
in the country and a good corporate citizen, Commercial Bank is
committed to assist the education sector and has recognized
undergraduates a special category that is vital to the country's future.
"University students are the base of the knowledge-based economy and
it is that recognition that we have brought into focus in our
scholarship programme," he said. They are expected to serve their
country using their knowledge to take it to the next dimension. We are
happy to assist them in this process through our scholarships."
Recipients of this year's scholarships too were identified with the
assistance of the University Grants Commission (UGC). Being ineligible
for Mahapola or any other scholarship programme, the number of attempts
made at the GCE A/L examination, the number of school-going children in
the family, parental income and the distance between the university and
the student's home are some of the factors that are taken into
Speaking at the event, Chairman of the University Grants Commission
Prof. Gamini Samaranayake said that Sri Lanka's Gross Enrolment Ratio
for higher education is 21 per cent and is the highest in the South
Asian region.
"This scholarship scheme is of particular importance to
undergraduates who do not receive any other assistance," he said, adding
that the Commercial Bank is performing a great service by presenting
these scholarships annually.
The Commercial Bank also has a reward scheme for deserving younger
students. All holders of Arunalu minors accounts who excel the year 5
scholarship examination every year are given valuable cash prizes. Since
its inception more than 1,200 cash awards totalling Rs 8.73 million have
been presented to such students.
The Commercial Bank's CSR Trust was established for the purpose of
fostering projects focused on education, child welfare, rehabilitation
of irrigation systems and community services. The Trust commenced with a
start up capital of Rs. 25 million and the Bank contributes up to one
per cent of its post tax profits every year towards it.
Recent CSR initiatives by the Trust includes building homes for the
Tsunami affected, assisting Children's Homes, donating equipment and
essentials to the Colombo National Hospital, refurbishing the Dental
Clinic of Deniyaya Base Hospital, setting up a High Dependency Unit for
Ward No. 17 of the Matara General Hospital, repairing the path-way to
Sri Pada, upgrading the Udawela Kumara Primary School, building two IT
laboratories in Udawela and at the Galle Prison, and contributing to buy
essential items for internally displaced people in the North.