BOI approval for first windmill project

Director Asgi Akbarally receiving the agreement from BOI
Chairman, Dammika Perera.
Pic: by M. K. M. Azwer - Moratuwa Central Special Corr.
The Board of Investment (BOI) has granted approval to a proposal
submitted by a joint private venture to set up two windmill projects in
the Puttalam district, Assistant Manager (Media) BOI Dudley Perera said.
This will be the first ever windmill project in Sri Lanka that will
add another 20 megawatts to the national grid after completion.
Accordingly two separate windmill project will be set up at an estimated
cost of Rs. 4,255 million (USD 37 million).
The construction work of the project work is undertaken by two local
firms, Vidathamuni Wind power (Pvt) Ltd., and Seguvanthi Wind Power (Pvt)
The machinery and other Equipment of the wind turbines will be
imported from Spain. After completion, the windmill project will consist
of 25 turbines for Power generation.
The project is designed and developed in compliance with
International Standards and will be implemented as an eco-friendly