They never checked source of fake tape:
Lankan conspiracy too:
Legal action if no apology from Channel 4 - Minister Samarasinghe
* Channel 4 had never checked the
authenticity of the Journalists for Democracy before airing the video.
* There may be people inside the Channel 4
who are involved in the campaign to tarnish the country’s image.
* Experts have scientifically proved that
the video was a fake.
* Rally around the Government to defeat pro-LTTE
* Political solution in the pipeline to
solve the national issue.
* Government has a strong strategy to defeat
‘evils’ which damage the country’s image in future. |
While stressing that Mahinda Rajapaksa
Government would not allow any element to destabilise the country,
Disaster Management and Human Rights Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe said
that the Government expects an apology from Channel 4 for their
irresponsible telecast of the controversial video footage that degraded
the image of the country and its Army, which successfully defeated
Asia’s longest terrorist war.
Explaining the failed attempt by the alleged
‘team’ to produce a fake video clip, Minister Samarasinghe said that the
Government had traced those Sri Lankans who had connections with the
pro-LTTE groups and tried to hoodwink the international community to
take the LTTE’s agenda forward.
Minister Samarasinghe who flew to Geneva
yesterday to attend the Human Rights Council sessions said that if the
Channel 4 failed to carry the correction based on scientific evidence,
Sri Lanka would not be hesitant to resort to legal action against them.
“I don’t want to resort to legal action if
they clarify it with the scientific evidence and accept the shortcomings
in their side and ensure that these shortcomings are rectified. This is
the ethical and right thing to do. If they don’t do this, we might have
to resort to have some other avenues to make them compel to do so”, he
Following are the excerpts of the interview:
Q: The video footage on the Channel 4 has become a controversy and
what is your comment on the alleged human rights violations said to have
happened in the last lap of the battle?
A: This is a very serious issue but a failed attempt as it is very
apparent that the Channel 4 had never checked on the source which gave
them this fake tape. We made a search for the organisation called
Journalists for Democracy and found that they have established their
blog only on August 1, 2009. The only thing that they have done before
that was the press statement issued on July 22.
As this is a very serious accusation against the Sri Lankan Army,
Channel 4 should have checked the information against the source in the
first instance. It is obvious that they have not done it. Who would
contact an organisation that has just mushroomed and accept such a tape
unless there was a conspiracy behind the whole thing? There are so many
other established human rights organisations in the world whom this
organisation could have approached but why did Channel 4 approach only
this particular one?
We have doubts as to why the Channel 4 did so and may be there are
people inside Channel 4 who are part and parcel of the whole campaign of
tarnishing the image of the country and our armed forces.
The gravity of broadcasting this nature of videos brings a
devastating outcome and will take time to heal. Anyone who sees this
video will be shocked to see how the people are being executed. In the
manner they have shown it will affect you, make you emotional and make
you to formulate an opinion about the Sri Lankan Army and the acts of
human rights violations.
The initial impact is devastating for the country. We took this very
seriously and knew this was another campaign to tarnish the image of the
country because we have experienced similar accusations earlier too. The
best example is how the LTTE had used the four doctors at the height of
the military operations to accuse the government and Army for not
sending medicine, shelling and firing in populated areas, attacking
hospitals, killing civilians and so on. But finally the doctors publicly
admitted that they were compelled to issue such statements due to
pressure from the LTTE. But the damage was already done as some people
would have believed them.
In this particular video clip telecast in the Channel 4 had created
an impact initially in the minds of many people who would have believed
that the Sri Lankan forces had behaved in this inhuman manner violating
international humanitarian law.
There were people internationally ready to use this tape and take it
to the Hague. So internationally a case would begin perhaps to charge
for war crimes. These were the consequences of this telecast and we had
to take it very seriously and we have now shown scientifically that this
video was a fake.
Q: If their interest is to charge the government for war crimes, do
you think that they can do so?
A: No. Certainly they can’t do anything because this is an absolutely
fake video clip. The issue of war crimes does not come into this at all.
I don’t want to comment any further.
But it is obvious that the whole thing was orchestrated to hoodwink
the international community. It is now very clear this is a fake clip
because we did a thorough investigation where four experts in this field
have explained it is a take.
Q: How qualified are the local experts to say that this is a false
video clip?
A: There are not only local experts but there is an international
expert whom we have sourced. He is an Australian citizen and has an
international recognition. The expert from the University of Moratuwe
Dr. Chathura de Silva is an authority in this area. Additionally, the
Army too has done their investigations and all four have come to the
same conclusion - that the video clip was a bogus documentary.
Q: Two of the experts who gave their views are from the Forces, so
could you call it impartial?
A: We have a professional Army and our Army does not concoct
situations in investigations of this nature because the reputation of
the Army will be at stake. What they have done was they concocted this
to achieve their political agenda so that it would bring disrepute to
the entire army. That is why we got two other independent experts and
finally all came to a similar conclusion based on scientific evidence.
Q: Early this week, the government explained the issue to the
diplomatic corps in Colombo. What was their response?
A: The response to the invitation to participate in the briefing was
excellent. Almost all the Heads of Missions participated and there were
quite a number of Ambassadors and High Commissioners. They listened to
us and many of them said that it was a very professional presentation to
explain the situation. They saw that we have proved beyond doubt that
the video footage was concocted and fake. It was not only we showed the
pictorial evidence but we also proved to them scientifically why this
was a fake. For example, the sound was measured in scientific terms, the
audio dubbing was proven in scientific terms. The pictorial evidence
showed very clearly that some of the ‘dead bodies’ lifted their legs
when the gun shots were fired. This can’t be observed when you look at
the video on normal speed. But when you reduce the speed by 50 percent,
it is clear that the dead man’s foot was rising and coming back to the
same point. The so-called soldier is wearing a white T-shirt with the
uniform but our soldiers don’t wear as such as they will be exposed to
be a target. His haircut is different.
Q: What do you think of the interest of the so-called party to
telecast this video clip?
A: That is what we are also interested in finding out. Obviously this
is an inside job. It is now incumbent on the Channel 4 to have an
inquiry and find out how this happened if they are a professional
television station. Channel 4 is a television station which is widely
patronised and it is not a fly by night and not mushroomed in the recent
times. There is a wider viewership that they can boast about and I hope
their reputation is very important and look at the evidence that we are
sharing with them. Now they need to take steps to ensure that
disciplinary action is taken against the people who have compromised the
reputation of the Channel 4. This is what they should basically do. We
are asking them to prove us wrong or accept what we have given them and
make a public apology so their viewers can see that.
Q: No doubt the image of the country and acclaimed credit of ending
terrorism by the government have been damaged badly due to this serious
allegation. How do you plan to reverse these claims?
A: It is very difficult to erase that from the minds of the people
who watched it. But, I have written to the Channel 4 and have also sent
them our findings through the High Commissioner in London. He is
planning to meet their top people and explain to them the extreme damage
done to the reputation of this country. Hope now they should take a
Q: But if they don’t react, is there any possibility to sue them?
A: If they don’t do so, I don’t think we have any other option but to
look at other avenues.
Q: What are the other options to reverse this damage?
A: It could be legal avenues or it could be a complaint to be lodged
with the Press Complaint Commission UK. So that they can look at
independently and take action against this kind of behaviour. We also
want to ensure either legally or through goodwill and dialogue, a
protocol to ensure their responsibility when this kind of information is
received because this has happened too frequently. There seems to be a
patten, where when the Channel 4 airing this, then the Times newspaper
in London publishing it and then the BBC, CNN and Al-Jazeera picking it
up and giving unnecessary publicity to the news. This chain of publicity
has created a considerable damage to the country.
It went to the extent of UN Secretary General to take this matter
with me when I met him in Geneva 10 days ago. He was very concerned
about this. Now, we are in a much better position to say that this is a
fake clip but the initial damage caused due to this kind of issue is not
totally repairable. Once this is gone into the minds of the people, they
will not just let it go. We don’t know to what extent the Channel 4 will
give publicity for our version.
Let’s see depending on what they do, we will have to map out a
strategy for the future. I don’t want to resort to legal action if they
clarify it with the scientific evidence and accept the shortcomings on
their side and ensure that these shortcomings are rectified.
This will enhance the reputation of the Channel 4 in the eyes of
their viewership. This is the ethical and right thing to do. If they
don’t do this, we might have to resort to some other avenues to make
them compel to do so.
Q: Can we take legal action against the Channel 4 team, who did their
job, as you said, in an unprofessional manner?
A: Yes, definitely. There are British legal firms that we have
already contacted. The other thing is we can use those legal firms to
send them a letter of demand. As I said earlier let’s see what are the
other apperatus available in the UK.
Q: If any Sri Lankans have a hand in this issue how best the Sri
Lanka can take legal action against them?
A: We have to look at this also and if they have been the source for
the issue, we will have to see how best we can perceive from an action
to ensure that they are also held accountable for giving a bogus video.
We must get into the bottom of it finally to find out who had recorded,
what is their motive and need to ensure that they are held accountable
because this kind of things will happen again. We want to prevent them
from happening again.
What we have done so far is taking action on damage control but I am
sure there are people who still believe what they have seen initially
was correct.
Q: What was the response from the UN so far for this issue?
A: The UN, as I said earlier, the Secretary General raised this
matter with me and he is concerned about it. Now I believe after we
shared real information about the issue, he will be very much satisfied.
There was a statement made by Prof. Philip Alston the special rapporteur
for extrajudicial killings. We have also sent our findings to him and he
has issued a statement welcoming the investigations that we have
conducted. I think the UN should be satisfied in the manner we have
conducted the investigations into the issue of Channel 4. There were
several statements made by the international personalities and we are
going to share these information with them too.
Q: Amidst this serious allegations on human rights violations, what
do you have to say about the present situation with regard to steps
taken to protect human rights in Sri Lanka?
A: The general situation with regard to human rights is that it is
not as bad as people are trying to make it out today. We also have our
problems but we are addressing those problems. We are not violators of
human rights the way that people are trying to make it out. What the
doctors said and tried to show, we have now proved those are very
extreme allegations, which have been concocted. We should respect the
fact that, we are a democratic and not a totalitarian regime. We have
the rule of law and independent institutions in this country. All
citizens should work with the government, without taking side of people
who are trying to distort what is really happening in this country. We
all need to defeat them.
We have just come out of a 30-year-old conflict. This government has
been able to put in place the political and economic stability and want
to develop this country. Now investors are coming and tourism is
One thing is certain that the government is not going to let any one
to destabilise the situation. We have come out from the conflict under
very difficult circumstances. Now we have to consolidate our services
for all ethnic groups in the country. We all are Sri Lankans and this
country belongs to every one. That is what President Mahinda Rajapaksa
is trying to do.
The government is now in the process of finding solutions in the form
of a political process. The military part of the story is over and now
we are looking at the political side and trying to address political,
economic and social problems through a political process.
Q: Do you think that this is an organized attempt by the pro-LTTE
groups, who had failed to discredit the government at the recent UN
Human Rights Council in Geneva?
A: Yes, we can expect this nature of issues even in future because
there still are pro-LTTE groups. There are people in the Tamil diaspora,
who are getting an income from the resources that the LTTE has
established. They have access to the large amount of money that the LTTE
hierarchy has collected and we have to expect them to use these
financial resources to continue to sling mud on Sri Lanka to destroy the
image of this country with the interest of destabilising the nation.
Some of them are trying to do so hoping that they would be able to take
forward what the LTTE wanted to do. Some will think to destabilise Sri
Lanka further so they will get more chances to continue to live in these
European countries. They may be worried that they will be asked to go
back. All kinds of vested interest are happening to tarnish the image.
We must act together to mitigate this sort of issues.
Q: How do you plan to defeat this kind of ‘evils’ in future?
A: The government has a strong strategy and I do not want to make
them public. We have addressed these issues in a collective manner.
Number of us are working together to tackle these issues and working
towards one direction to defeat them all to save the country.
Q: The UNP has said that Sri Lanka is a developing nation and warned
not to meddle with powerful nations as they will impose certain embagoes.
What do you have to say?
A: We may be a small country but we are an independent country. We
are proud of our heritage and did lots of compromise for the sovereignty
and the independence of this nation. The government has alliances and
friendship with all countries despite their size and we want to build up
relationships with the world in a more effective manner.
This is a ridiculous statement because these countries are helping us
in our efforts in economic development and reconstruction.