Each and every Muslim, world over, in compliance with the injunctions
of Almighty Allah, observed fasting during the Holy Month of Ramazan.
Ibadath, which every Muslim is bounded to perform to receive the
blessings of Almighty Allah, was tractised by the Muslims with great
enthusiasm and reverence.
Doors of the heaven were kept open and doors of the hell were closed
during the Month of Ramazan, which is one of the significant event that
occurred during the Month of Ramazan.
Unlike any other months Ramazan is unique in the sense that it was
during this month that the Holy Qur'an was revealed and also it brought
with it the numerous blessings of Almighty Allah to the mankind.
Lailathul, Qadr which is considered as a night that is better than
thousand months, was observed on the 27th of last month, with great
zealous and veneration.
Fasting, which began at the dawn of the sun, ended at sunset everyday
during the Holy Month of Ramazan.
Ifthar was organised in all Muslim homes and in all the mosques to
mark the end of fasting.
Tharaveeh, special night prayers were conducted in all the mosques
with the participation of a large number of devotees and the institution
of Zakath, giving alms to poor, which is compulsory for the rich, were
the other significant events took place during the Holy Month of Ramazan.
Ramazan, Oh! Ramazan! Farewell to you, while thanking you with
gratitude for all the blessings of Almighty Allah, you brought with you
to the mankind.
Assalamu Alaikkum!
EID Mubarak! |