A Marxist conquers 'Little Rome' in 1956
by W. T. A. Leslie FERNANDO
Although there was a strong agitation all over the country to make
Sinhala the state language in Sri Lanka, the very first rally to that
effect was held in the Catholic town of Negombo. It was organised by the
VLSSP branch, Negombo and was held in September 1955 at the Green Park,
Negombo. The language policy of the VLSSP was that Sinhala should be
made the official language and Tamil should be the regional language in
the Northern and the Eastern Provinces.
Ven. Meegomuwe
Junawansa Thera |
Phillip Gunawardena |
Kusuma Gunawardena |
At that rally presided over by Santiago Fernando, the VLSSP leaders,
Phillip Gunawardena, William de Silva, Kusuma Gunawardena and M. S.
Abubaker made speeches. Ven. Meegomuwe Junawansa Thera on behalf of the
Maha Sangha and A. D. Jayasekera, the President of the Lanka Jathika
Guru Sangamaya too addressed the gathering. A mammoth crowd which the
organisers never expected attended this rally in Negombo.
Thereafter so many rallies to demanded Sinhala be made the state
language organised mainly by the Buddhist Bhikkus were held all over the
country. Santiago Fernando addressed some of those rallies on behalf of
Catholics. He was the only Catholic seen in forefront in the language
issue. At a meeting held in Kandy presided over by the Mahanayake Thera
of the Malwatta Chapter, all the speakers were limited to address for
only 15 minutes. When it came to the turn of Santiago Fernando he was
allowed to address for any length of time!
According to the no-contest pact between the SLFP and the LSSP, Dr.
Hector Fernando of the LSSP got the ticket to contest the Negombo seat.
Although the VLSSP formed constituent party of the MEP, there was no
such no-contest pact between the LSSP and the VLSSP. As such Santiago
Fernando got the MEP nomination to contest Negombo from the VLSSP.
Nevertheless whatever the trends were in the country, the situation
in Negombo was different. There was a large proportion of voters in
Negombo belonging to Warnakulasuriya and Kurukulasuriya clans who spoke
Tamil. The language policy of the LSSP giving parity status to Sinhala
and Tamil appealed to them. Warnakulasuriya clan was a strong vote base
for Warnakulasuriya Santiago Fernando. Besides the MEP was pledged to
implement the Buddhist Commission Report so as to suppress the vicious
activities of Catholic action. At that time the Catholics were
prohibited from even reading Buddhist Commission Report.
In this background Santiago Fernando realised that he could not
muster support to win the Negombo seat. Although his name appeared in
some journals as the candidate of the MEP in Negombo, at the last moment
he desisted from contesting the seat.
At the 1956 election, there was a three-cornered contest for the
Negombo seat. The UNP candidate was T. Quentin Fernando, a retired
District Judge. Dr. Hector Fernando was the LSSP nominee. Tudor
Gunasekera, the Chairman of the Andiambalama V. C. contested as an
As Santiago Fernando did not contest there was a split in the ranks
of the VLSSP in Negombo. Some of the activists of the VLSSP like Edwin
Fernando, Eddie Cooray and Shelton Miral backed the independent
candidate Tudor Gunasekera. However the majority of the VLSSP cadres in
Negombo wholeheartedly supported Dr. Hector Fernando, the LSSP
Dr. Hector Fernando's name as the candidate was proposed by Cecil de
Silva the leader of the Communist Party in Negombo and was seconded by
Henry Karunaratne a stalwart of the VLSSP. Santiago Fernando addressed
some rallies in favour of Dr. Hector Fernando and D. B. Waidyasekera
another leading VLSSPer acted as Dr. Hector Fernando's polling agent at
Hunupitiya. The leading VLSSP youth K. Julian Perera and Eugene Fonseka
played a leading role in Dr. Hector Fernando's election campaign.
T. Quentin Fernando |
A.D.Jayasekera |
Santiago Fernando |
When the election fray gathered momentum, the trends against the UNP
found all over the country were seen in Negombo as well. Many Catholics
who were traditionally supporters of the UNP began to rally round Dr.
Hector Fernando. He got the backing of the majority of the Buddhists in
Negombo too.
There was also indication that the UNP would lose the Catholic seats
surrounding Negombo like Ja-ela, Nattandiya and Chilaw. However the
UNPers in Negombo calculated that Dr. Hector Fernando of the LSSP lost
Negombo seat by over 13,000 votes at the 1952 elections and he could
never win Negombo. They also expected that Tudor Gunasekera, the
independent candidate would split the anti-UNP vote.
The fact that the election for Negombo was held on the second day of
the poll was favourable to Dr. Hector Fernando. On the first day UNP
could win only 8 seats and was routed. It lost the Catholic seats like
Ja-ela and Chilaw. It is said that this factor helped Negombo too to
follow suit and led to the fall of the strong UNP fortress.
In the 1956 general election Dr. Hector Fernando of the LSSP who
polled 20892 votes in the Negombo seat defeated the UNP candidate T.
Quentin Fernando who polled 18212 votes by a majority of 2800 votes.
Tudor Gunasekera the independent candidate polled only 4389 votes.
The victory of Dr. Hector Fernando was a historical event. It was the
first and the last occasion, the Catholic stronghold Negombo called the
'Little Rome' was won by a Marxist. For that matter, it was the only
occasion in Sri Lanka, where a Marxist stormed an electorate with a
Catholic majority.
It is controversial whether Tudor Gunasekera, the independent
candidate could split the anti-UNP vote. Some rich and powerful persons
in the area campaigned for Tudor Gunasekera and it is said that the
majority he polled were pro UNP votes. On the other hand if Santiago
Fernando contested the seat at the time from the MEP, he would have
definetly split the anti-UNP vote and the result would have been