No one need die of
H ow would you react if a grubby (dirty), malnourished child tugged
at your clothes, begging for money to buy food? Shoo the child away,
like a parasite or dig into the wallet and drop a coin into the dirty
little hand? The reaction is certainly hard to predict; certainly not
because people are reluctant to part with a rupee or two to help the
little child, but because a majority of the beggars are not genuinely in
such a dire need as they imply. Most often, children are used by
unscrupulous adults to collect money.
Even though this is the truth, a child begging for money to appease
his hunger pangs, never fails to pull at our heart-strings. Hunger pangs
are hard to bear, especially if one has not eaten a morsel of food,
leave alone a proper meal, for days!
of you may not be able to even imagine how hard life could be, if one
had to struggle daily to find some food to eat. But, that's what most
people have to face today, especially those who are extremely poor. Many
children come to school without eating anything and sometimes go to bed,
hungry too. It's a pathetic situation no one can or should turn away
from simply because it does not affect us. Poverty is of course the main
cause for this.

Even though poverty and hunger are two different issues that need to
be dealt with they are inter connected; they go hand-in-hand to bring a
lot of misery and strife into the lives of millions of people around the
Would you believe that the number of hungry people in this world
passed the one billion mark this year? It has been estimated that about
1.02 billion people are struggling globally without food and are facing
chronic hunger. Even in one country, one third of the children are
It is indeed hard to imagine that a world that has made such vast
strides in technological development and progressed to the point of
exploring life on other planets in outer space, is finding it hard to
feed the hungry and prevent deaths which occur as a result of it.
No one should die because of hunger - but unfortunately it's
happening and is the shocking truth. Every six seconds a child dies in
some part of this world either due to hunger or hunger related causes.
There are over 400 million children in the world blighted by
malnutrition. Hunger negatively affects brain development in children
setting back their chances of achieving successful lives as adults.
These are some of the hard facts we've got to face as we deal with man's
battle against hunger.
man's battle against hunger is not something new. It's not something we
are facing because of the growing population and scarcity of resources.
No, it's something that began from the time man first stalked the now
extinct mammoth and started prodding the soil to grow some measly plants
that produced food.
Even in ancient times man was plagued by famines which led to the
death of both man and animal. Without any food to eat, man has been
driven in the past to eat cats and dogs, bird droppings and even human
flesh. Cannibalism was nothing strange in some parts of the world where
food was scarce. But let's certainly hope it would never come to that in
this modern world where chronic hunger has raised its ugly head once
Feeding the world's hungry people is no easy task and even the United
Nations' main component responsible for ensuring world food security -
the World Food Programme (WFP) is facing a 'moment of crisis' as they
claim, in this connection due to lack of funds. Billions of dollars are
needed to ensure that the countries depending on foreign aid to feed the
hungry are not left high and dry.
With the current global economic recession, high commodity prices,
climate change and weather related disasters adding to the economic
crisis, the WFP is struggling to collect the funds needed to meet the
2009 budget of about 6.7 billion US dollars needed to ensure world food
security. Presently not even half of it has been collected.
So, let's focus on this problem of hunger faced by millions of people
around the world. Before you waste food, think twice. Stop grumbling
about the food you are given to eat even though there's absolutely
nothing wrong with it, except your desire to eat something
defferent".People are dying of hunger in our world today. NO one need
die due to lack of food when there's plenty to go around. It's up to us
to make the difference, now.
When is the World Food Summit?
The FAO Council, meeting in Rome from 15-19 June, this year has
agreed to hold the third World Food Summit in November 2009 in order to
strengthen commitment from world leaders to eradicate hunger by 2025 and
to address the root causes of the present situation through the full
implementation of the Human Right to Food
The costs of hunger
8 million people die from lack of food and nutrition every year -
about 24,000 deaths each day.
Every year, 5.8 million children die from hunger related-causes.
Every day, that's 16,000 young lives lost.
* For the first time in history, over 1.02 billion people do not have
enough to eat. That's one sixth of humanity - more than the population
of the United States, Canada and the European Union combined.
907 million of the 1.02 billion are from developing countries.
Source: FAO Hunger Report 2008
Fast facts
*One in seven people in the world go to bed hungry.
* Over 20 million people in East African countries depend on
international food aid.
* The world's hungry people is expected to reach a historic high this
year with 1.02 billion people going hungry every day.This is roughly an
increase of 100 million more than last year, representing one-sixth of
all humanity.
* According to FAO Director-General, Jacques Diouf, many of the
world's poor and hungry are smallholder farmers in developing countries
* The global food insecurity situation has worsened and continues to
represent a serious threat for humanity, with food prices remaining
stubbornly high in developing countries
* The world population is expected to grow by 50 per cent and reach 9
billion by 2050.
world Food Day
Let;s be prepared for a crisis
In four days time, we will be observing a very important world day
that affects the entire world. That is World Food Day Which is annually
held on October 16 to commemorate the founding of the United Nations'
(UN) Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).
Each year it is held under a different theme. With the present
economic crisis that has had a strong impact on the food security of the
world, especially the countries which are dependent on international
food aid, this years's theme is "Achieving food security in times of
What do people do?
Many events are organised on and around World Food Day. A
wide-ranging programme is organised at The World Food and Agriculture
Organisation (FAO) headquarters in Rome, Italy aimed at leaders of
political and non-political organisations at all levels and at
increasing press attention on topical issues around food supply. .
Across the globe, many different events are organised to raise
awareness of problems in food supply and distribution and to raise money
to support projects to aid in the cultivation of food plants and the
distribution of food. The FAO aims to raise levels of nutrition across
the globe, improve agricultural productivity at all levels, enhance the
lives of rural populations and contribute to the growth of the world
economy. It also provides assistance to countries changing their
agricultural policy, to aid regions out of famine situations, to help
implement appropriate technology and facilitate a neutral environment to
discuss issues around food production.
At the FAO's 20th session in Rome, Italy, in November 1979 the
conference called for the observance of World Food Day on October 16,
1981, and on the same date each year.
The UN General Assembly ratified this decision on December 5, 1980,
and urged governments and international, national and local
organizations to contribute to observing World Food Day which has been
held each year since 1981.
Fact: With an estimated increase of 105 million hungry people in
2009, there are now 1.02 billion malnourished people in the world,
meaning that almost one sixth of all humanity is suffering from hunger.
Facts and pix :Internet |