If you are a gal who’s reluctant to make the first move, or a guy
who’s afraid of being flatly refused, then Crush on you is the right
place for you. Or better yet impress your sweetheart by putting your
love thoughts into verse in Love Lines. Please send in your love poems
and letters to Love, Sunday Observer Magazine, 35, D.R Wijewardene
Mawatha, Lake House, Colombo 10 or email them to [email protected]
Once more....
After weeks of thinking without initiating, I’m finally sitting down
in my chair writing things that had been stirring in my mind. A recent
incident inspired it all, bringing back memories most preserved, making
my mind opaque. I think this is a great way to leave it to stand still
and have them descended to the bottom without further disturbance by
How can life be so predictable for me...Would somebody take that by
surprise? I guess so, given “life” being often labelled as the
quintessential example for unpredictability.
Whatever it has so far offered you, I want anybody reading this to
take a deep breath at once to mark this moment to feel lucky, because
someday down the line you might think back and say “Ohh....I wish I
could go back to that day...” which means although you were complaining
of having nothing to lose, you had had something which you only realize
once it’s lost for good. (...Something is better than nothing...).
The most important thing to keep in mind, no matter what crumbles
down, who moves away, is that life could have got worse than that. Trust
me I haven’t seen anybody not longing for more so far, regardless of
what they have already got.
Would I be looking for my friend until the end of time? thinking and
thinking, blowing my mind off trying logical reasoning to put the pieces
of the puzzle in place. Or is life a simultaneous equation that can
never be logically solved, meaning I have to give up? Whatever it’s I
confess I’m fighting a losing battle of searching for somebody who left
no tracks to be found, who is very special in my life, that I met less
than a couple of years ago.
Honestly we first had contact in the most awkward manner. Our
friendship grew faster than it should have (I guess) with every text
message, every phone call, making me experience the most fascinating
fairy dream. True fairy tales are never meant to be true. But he was too
good to be true.
He gave me no moment of sadness or boredom and every single moment
was exciting and energetic. You might think “ohh... yet another love
story...”, mind you, every love story has a conventional side to it as
well as an unconventional one.He just said “you are responsible for all
that happened” and disappeared without a trace. Ever since then, I have
been disentangling the dilemma....
“What did I do?” I worked it out back and forth, searched inside out,
separated into pieces and built up the story back again, repeated the
steps, yet found nothing to explain or make sense. Loads of Xs, Ys, Zs.
Finally came down to two approximate possibilities, either my reaction
to his totally unacceptable joke on our last day killed it all (arrived
at due to lack of other explanations) or just I myself disgusted him.
He walked way like yet another guy, reminding me the words he first
uttered to me “...lol not every guy wakes with a mission of making
love...” I woke up to reality that day, determined never to dream again
and I never did. Dreams did approach me again and again but I knew soap
bubbles are best left untouched. I just need to see him once more,
before I die whether or not any questions asked, just to raise my head,
look into his eyes and smile...
- Dilini
Love Lines
You are a shining star
Which I cannot reach
You are a legend
Which cannot be hidden
You are a mission
Which I cannot accomplish
You are my LOVE
That I have no right
to accept.......