Wildlife Department turns 60
by Tyrell PEIRIS
The Wildlife Department makes an annual contribution of Rs. 200
million to the State coffers, according to a top official of the
Wildlife Department.
The Department which had contributed a yeoman service to the public
and environment through the protection of wildlife species, celebrated
its 60th anniversary on October 5. The official said the anniversary was
a red letter day in its service, considering the sacrifices made by
wildlife conservation staff.
They brave the hazards of the jungle doing a thankless job. Some 100
officers have paid with their lives as a result of being targeted by the
LTTE, while on duty. Some had been the unfortunate victims of poachers.
Presently, key areas marked by the Department for long-term
development are further expanding its strategies, preservation of animal
habitat and implementation of a viable wildlife protection network.
One of the biggest positive steps would be the opening of all
wildlife parks to tourists.
Implementing its wildlife conservation policy would take pride of
place in the Department's accelerated drive, the source said.