Ensuring the rights of animals, a priority
by Samangie WETTIMUNY
Addressing a recent press briefing arranged by the Sri Lanka Animal
Protection Association (SLAPA) at the Cinnamon Grand to mark the World
Animal Day, president of SLAPA Iranganie De Silva emphasized the
necessity to strengthen the laws and create public awareness in order to
ensure the welfare of animals. "We cannot be satisfied at all about the
condition of animal welfare in Sri lanka. In the recent past we came
across quite a few heart-rending incidents. Though there are several
animal welfare societies most of them are based in Colombo. "In fact
that was the reason which made us establish this organization" She said.
From left: Ven.Athuraliye Rathana
Thera, Prof. Chandana Jayarathna, Ms. Otara Gunawardena, Ms.
Iranganie De Silva ,Chris Quyn (representing the Cinnamon
Grand), Dr. Nalinika Obeysekera, Gamini W and Ms. Nishani
Dissanayake- founder member of SLAPA
Pix by Kavindra Perera |
The conference also had the participation of Ven.Athuraliye Rathana
thera, Prof. Chandana Jayarathna, Ms. Otara Gunawardena, Chris Quyn
(representing the Cinnamon Grand), Dr. Nalinika Obeysekera, Gamini W and
Ms. Nishani Dissanayake- founder member of SLAPA.
As further noted by the president of SLAPA, until very recently laws
related to cattle slaughter remained unchanged since its enactment in
1907, except for a minor amendment made in 1958. But under the
initiative of former Attorney General C.R.De. Silva (also with the help
of Ven. Athuraliye Rathana thera) the age-old law was amended. "That was
a victory for all who wish for the welfare of animals. But we cannot
rest on our laurels," She cautioned. "What we have not achieved is
greater than what we had." She commended the efforts made by Ven. Omalpe
Sobitha thera to establish a cattle orphanage in order to house cattle
saved from slaughter.
Ven. Athualiye Rathana thera highlighted the importance of promoting
environment friendly cultivation methods."
Over 25,000 insects are killed during the process of making rice..
Latest technological methods, pesticides and fertilizers are responsible
for that destruction." Current cultivation methods would adversely
affect the earth and the natural ecological balance."
While commenting on the inhuman methods that were being used to
slaughter animals in Sri Lanka, the thera also made a humble request to
everyone including media to take necessary steps to expedite the
enactment of the latest Animal Welfare bill presented to Parliament by
Quoting from Sir.Arthur C.Clark's literature, Prof. Chandana
Jayarathna said that the entire human beings would become vegetarians
towards the end of this century.
"This would not be a decision which was taken inspired by any
religion, but as human mind develops they will gradually understand that
incurring pain on animals and depending on animal flesh would not fit in
their superior status.'