SLFP Convention on a grand scale
by Maithripala SIRISENA
The Sri Lanka Freedom Party is holding its national convention today
on a grand scale. The Convention is more important politically as well
as nationally than its predecessors in the course of its past history of
over five decades. As the General Secretary, I feel happy to account for
the little national and political significance which the Convention
carriers with it.
our dear motherland which was torn asunder by the separatist terror
could be reunited after warding off the scourge, is a landmark victory
we have achieved. The victory we herald today was achieved on the
premise, `Country First,’ when all countrymen together with the war
heroes made tremendous sacrifice. President Mahinda Rajapaksa who
spearheaded the three-decades old national crusade to safeguard the
motherland is a true product of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party.
No other political personality was gifted with the finesse with which
he marshalled the progressive forces to liquidate the terrorist menace.
Consequently it gives us pride to be the humble member of the Sri Lanka
Freedom Party which gave birth to this distinguished leader.We see our
supporters streaming into today’s Convention in their thousands sharing
the very same ideals.
Formed in 1951 under the great leadership of the late S. W. R. D.
Bandaranaike it took not more than a mere five years for the Sri Lanka
Freedom Party to secure a landslide victory in 1956. It is a very rare
occurrence not only in the annals of Sri Lanka but that of the world as
well. The SLFP came into being as a force well-fortified to face the
challenge posed by the then politics in the country. After the 1948
National Independence, a challenge of that nature had emerged.
Despite the country winning its independence from the imperialists in
1948, the ruling elite which had the reins of power with it failed to
make that independence more meaningful to the country. The ordinary
masses of the country wanted it to be the true all-embracing economic,
social and cultural independence which necessitated the creation of a
political culture truly sensitive to the native aspirations and national
ideology. The SLFP was therefore, created to take up this challenge
which enabled it to be people-oriented and to form its broadest
vote-base in the country whilst most of the post-independence political
parties alienated themselves from the masses.
The SLFP which marshalled all patriotic forces in the country against
the juggernaut of terrorism was well-fortified to face all future
challenges under the leadership of our leader.
The theme of the National Convention is to convey to the country that
our party is ready to take the lead in the post-war reconstruction
The SLFP has a multi-ethnic base and also an ideology of its own to
organise politically. It is to its credit that the SLFP right through
followed the philosophy of political middle path. Although the middle
path politics looked prima facie simple, it is in practice harder and
more difficult. It is politically more feasible to identify and also
represent extremes and struggle for the sake of it.
Amidst a plethora of extremes, it is always difficult to arrive at
middle path. It is through the arduous political exercises that our
party could continue the middle path and conquer most of the political
challenges in pursuit of victory.
In the post-reconstruction agenda priority is given to develop the
country’s economy. The thirty-year-old civil war retarded the pace of
economic resurgence. Had it not been for this calamity the country would
have achieved a much higher economic progress. With the challenges posed
by terrorism being muted, President Mahinda Rajapaksa reiterated
recently that the government is committed to manage the economy on a
national basis. Irrespective of the threat of total war looming large
during the last few years, the preliminary work was undertaken to
formulate a national economic base. It was due to our making the
development drive the State policy, that we could effectively face the
global economic and financial melt-down.As against the new neo-liberal
economic order in which market forces have a bigger foothold we adhered
to the policy of ensuring the level-playing field for the market, the
state & the public alike.
Had we implemented the policies dictated by some of the neo-liberal
economists and deprioritised agriculture, the country would have been
struck with famine which is worse than the horrors of war. We however,
gave priority for food security and launched a new national economic
programme of revitalising and protecting fishermen, small scale
industrialists and national level entrepreneurs as against the culture
of growing roses prescribed by the neo-liberal economists.
It was “Api Wawamu, Rata Nagamu” agricultural policy that prevented
us from totally depending on imports during the global economic turmoil,
which is still in force.We have great self-confidence and grit to face
the future development challenges due to our food security policy. Where
necessary the government is ready to intervene in economic development
initiatives. Our objective is to ensure that each one makes his
contribution to the national economy. We are getting our party members
to instil these sentiments into public minds. While increasing the
productivity of cultivable lands, factories and services and pinning the
personal responsibility on those in charge of such enterprises for
better efficiency, our party is committed to mould a new
socially-responsible citizen!
Our leader has conceived the vision to promote our economy so as to
be an active partner of the new Asian Economic miracle!Our next
challenge is post war reconstruction. The SLFP is a broad-based
political entity at national level promoting such principles as
equality, protecting right to citizenship and unity in diversity which
eventually culminate in national independence.
Our post-war state policy on development and democratization has come
to fruition. As a result, the SLFP has today turned to be the main
political body representative of all communities.SLFP is a political
organisation which produced political leaders to the country. Its past
history bears testimony to its record performance in bravely fielding
candidates for presidency even amidst grave calamities such depriving
party leader Sirimavo Bandaranaike of her civic rights and terrorist
insurgency of 1988-89.
What is more, the party fielded our leader Mahinda Rajapaksa for
Presidency at a crucial time when the country was on the brink of being
fragmented by the terrorists. We are a democratic party and we expect
other parties too to conduct themselves democratically.Democracy is
thriving in both Sri Lanka and India due to the pivotal role played by
political parties and the readiness on the part of the party to accept
political challenges.
Unlike the politically bankrupts who are apprehensive of elections
our party with a very broad political base is always committed to
preserve its democratic credentials. The gamut of SLFP politics is not
merely confined to elections but it has its sole interest in the
country’s posterity
The stature of President Mahinda Rajapaksa who gave unique leadership
to the country in the face of multiple conspiracies, both domestic and
foreign to dislodge the country is today well acknowledged by the party
membership and as such all progressive forces are rallying round the
We are determined to accept the challenges posed by all local and
global, social, political and economic constraints and make Sri Lanka a
more prosperous, bountiful and friendly country.
Let the strength of our determination reach the four corners of the
The writer is the Minister of Agriculture Development and Agrarian
Services and the General Secretary of the
Sri Lanka Freedom Party
(Translated by K. D. M. Kittampahuwa)