Serendipity in reading
by Shireen SENADHIRA
The reading habit, is it increasing or decreasing? It is towards the
latter that the reply is pointed. Why is it so? A few decades back the
reading habit was flourishing. Now it is certainly the opposite. Why? It
is because, in this age, browsing the net, sending SMSes and playing
with funky handsets are the order of the day. Reading in a peaceful
corner of a library is certainly not in fashion. To most, it is an
archaic idea.
Technology has surrounded us. Therefore, the reading habit is fast
declining. The libraries are without the voracious readers who used to
flock there almost daily. Apart from a few people, among them, mostly
elderly and some students, the libraries display a deserted look. Some
of these libraries in turn, are neither well stacked or well maintained.
In others, abundant books lie on the shelves gathering dust. This
situation is due to lack of staff and funds for renovation and
A couple of decades ago, if a person had not read Tagore,
Shakespeare, Chekov or Tolstoy, that person didn't amount to much in the
literature sense. At that time, there was a strong sense of
accountability and responsibility among the youth. The dictum that
prevailed then was to be well read. But with progress bringing in
'globalization,' life has become mechanical and money-oriented. Students
are always spurred for performance and intrinsic values for them get
misplaced in the mad rush of life.
Sad to note that the reading habit of children too are on the
Multimedia games and the TV has promoted this. Exceptionally, in the
case of Harry Potter, the children were clamouring for the book. But, it
could be another phase, soon to fade out. One cannot blame the children
for this situation of the declining habit of reading because it's mostly
the fault of their parents, for they mount pressure on children with
tuition classes. With the many subjects a child has to offer for his
secondary schools exams, he has to read many texts and therefore, there
is only little time left for reading for pleasure.
Children constantly move to larger institutions. Thereafter the first
initial readings in the primary classrooms, many more demands will be
placed on their ability to adapt to a variety of complex curriculum
contexts, where reading will become a major vehicle of their individual
learning. Therefore, interest in reading must be inculcated in children
at all levels.
Pleasure elements associated with narratives that embody worlds that
are already familiar to young readers will result in widening and
deepening the choice of young readers. There are stories in everyone's
life and stories have the ability to excite children's interest in
reading and give children the message that learning to read is
enjoyable, purposeful and magnified.
Shared reading
To catch their interest, shared reading could be introduced. This
way, they find out at the very beginning that books are worthwhile and
have an important part to play in their lives. Shared reading encourages
positive attitudes, the reading and enjoyment of the stories is seen as
its own reward. There is no hint of competition or the need for
extrinsic reward; no need to please mummy or teacher or to get to a
higher book. Sharing stories in this way emphasises that reading is a
sociable activity, for when children read exciting stories they want to
share what they have found with others. Even the quietest child is
stimulated to talk, express feelings and ideas, this way.
One of the difficulties with this starting point for the teacher is
in determining exactly what kind of stories will effect this
transformation and particularly as children grow older, which books they
themselves choose as a 'good story' as opposed to the books that are
recommended as pleasurable by their teachers. Knowing the children will
make it easier to guide them in choosing the books. This type of reading
is an important facet in the children's lives.
Another reason why the weaning from reading occur is, in most cases,
it is found that the parents themselves discourage children reading any
other than textbooks. Intense and tough competition too has added to
further deepening of the insecurity in middle classes. But what they
fail to understand is that for all round development, the reading habit
is essential. One must cultivate the reading habit at primary level.
Otherwise, it will be difficult to develop this habit at university
level. This is the very reason that reading should be made compulsory in
schools. Presently, when dubious methods and short cuts are used to pass
exams, the reading skill, if it had been instilled in the students,
would make the students savour the learning and this, in turn will build
their confidence in themselves and their abilities.
But all is not lost, even though the libraries show low attendance,
there are still ardent readers who do come regularly. A great plus is
that many contemporary writers are emerging with their masterpieces on
different subjects. At a time when mechanical learning is happening,
there still are the book lovers who never stop their habit of reading.
Also, it is heartening to know that there are mobile libraries. They
function in the suburbs in some towns. There should be more of such.
Children or anyone for that matter, are very happy to go down their lane
or walk to a centre close by and be able to pick up or exchange books.
Research shows that if you read ten books per year, you are in the
few top percent of readers. Though it doesn't take much to be well read,
it is important to get started. The following are a few suggestions to
strengthen your reading habit:
Try and keep a log of the books you have read. This way it'll help
you easily to pick out the new books. Next is, to make a list of what
you want to read.
These two lists will help you immensely. Ask your friends what they
are reading. Watch out for recommendations in the newspapers and
magazines. This way your enthusiasm will not waver. Thus, your reading
habit will be enforced and boosted.
Do not switch on the television unless you have a programme that you
need to watch. Of course, you have to watch a television show that you
really enjoy. But most of the time you scan channels to find 'something
to watch.' This is the time to switch it off and pick up a book instead.
You can listen when you can't read. Say, for instance if you are
doing gardening, you can always get a 'walkman' and listen to reading.
There are numerous audio versions of all sorts of books. So while you
are tidying the home, cooking, gardening or exercising on a machine, you
can listen to a book you like on tape. Listening to a book will give you
the experience, imagination and ideas in the same way as reading the
Another interesting way is to join a book club or a reading group.
These groups usually meet once a month. Joining such a group will give
you the impetus to finish the book. It will also provide you with a good
forum for discussion and socialization around book themes.
Delightful ways
One of the most delightful ways is, to spend some time in a library
or a book store. Of course, you will go to a book store with a list to
buy, but if you can find just a little more time, do browse among the
shelves in the book store. Let your eyes do your work. Then voila! Let
serendipity happen. You will come across a book that will interest you
when reading the synopsis. It might even sweep you off your feet. The
excitement has begun.
You will find your nerves tingling. You will turn the pages and read
from here and there. You've got it. Clutching the book you'll rush to
the cashier, buy it and take it away tenderly. Don't forget the list you
came to get in the first place.
When you finish your errands you will go home and can't wait to take
a peek or read.
In case you are busy, you can't wait to finish your work and start
reading. This is what a good book will do for you. When you do read it,
it will open up new vistas and thoughts for you. It will reenergize you.
Your mental needs will be satisfied.
Have you had this experience? Sometimes, when finishing a book that
you enjoy, you regret that you have arrived at the last couple of pages
and wish you were still in the middle of the book, even though you have
read at breakneck pace to get to the end.
Also, if you have enjoyed it, you will be analysing it in your own
mind and this will go on for a few days. You could also make up
different endings to it and arrive at the way you wanted it to end. Then
you keep comparing it with other books with similar stories. Such
experiences are so thoughtprovoking, invigorating and exciting.
So, why don't you let this happen? Why don't you get into a book
store or library and let serendipity happen?