Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 24 January 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

The ocean's end

As the shore meets up with the velvet sea,
Both sand and foam conspire,
To break the calm and smooth surface,
With waves of white desire.
Lured by the beauty of sand and foam,
The sea is lost in awe,
She eagerly glides towards the shore,
To take her final bow.

- Radini Gamage

After a visit to Ambewla Farm:

Udders brimmed for kids
Blood running into bottles with love
For someone's kids.
Expressive big eyes
Telling a silent story.
Should I listen to it,
Or pretend
That I just didn't hear
Because 'practicality'
Always dictates
Where my heart wants to stay.

- Buddhima Karunarathna

The Nightingale

The echo of her melodious voice trailed me to the river bank;
Mesmerized, I hastened my steps to glimpse the singing echo,
A bewitching damsel was filling a pot with the waters of the river;
Singing a lilting song which I have never heard before.
Lest she stop her singing if I confronted her, I hid myself, and
Listened to her sweet voice which enraptured my being.
I watched her placing her pot at her hip and with a gait adorning her beauty
She made a beeline to her shanty to quell her infant's cries.
Singing a lullaby which was more enchanting, she lulled her baby to sleep.

After a decade I came back to see you my love,
I heard you singing the duet we sang together
Lulling your baby to sleep.
You thought me dead did you not, and
With pain of mind you looked at me as if to say
Why have you come.

Yasmin Jaldin

The wonderful world

Great, wide, beautiful, wonderful world
With the wonderful water round you curled,
And the wonderful grass upon your breast
World, you are beautiful direst.

The wonderful air over me,
And the wonderful wind is shaking the tree;
It walks on the water, and whirls the mills,
And talks to itself atop the hills.

You friendly earth! How far do you go,
With the wheat fields that nod, and the rivers that flow,
With cities and gardens, and cliffs, and isles,
And people

Upon you for thousands of miles?
Ah! You are so great, and I am so small,
I tremble to think of you, World, at all!
And yet, when I said my prayers to-day.
A whisper besides me seemed to say...
You are more then the earth, thought you are such a dot;
You can love and think, and the Earth cannot!

Asam Abdul Gaffoor


A birdie known to me
Has sat on another branch
Singing and dancing
Above my branch.

Prabhath Gamalathge.

The saga of a gal

This is the story of a girl who was never a bore.
Talented and determined to come to the fore.

Challenges in life stood and faced with a smile.
So many others would have run many a mile.

Born with a heart worth its weight in gold
Quite at home with the young and the old.

King or commoner will take in her stride,
Pedigree high, but motor bike will ride.

Bubbling around with an infectious cheer,
Makes you feel there's no need for a beer.

Blessed by God with sweetness and charm,
That boys say causes them untold harm.

With lips and hips that are the talk of the town,
Guaranteed to bring any mothers son down

Oozes all over with her own brand of sexiness.
That won't let you mind your own business.

No man is known to be able to fight the urge,
In wanting to be the one with her to merge.

- Nayathara Kumar

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