Sunday Observer Online


Sunday, 24 January 2010





Marriage Proposals
Government Gazette

'Last chance' - Cat is out of the bag

Opposition candidate for the Presidential election published an advertisement in the 'Lankadeepa' on Monday January 18 with the above heading.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa


Ven Galaboda Sri Gnanissara Nayaka Thera

The last chance' has two meanings. One is that "this is the end of Sarath Fonseka's political jump," and the other is that "this is the end of the country".

Everybody talks about a curse or an ill-omen faced by the citizens of this country. Today the foreign-based LTTE, its unlimited fund reserves and colonial foreign powers are active in the vicious campaign to deny the Sri Lankan the right to live freely after the end of the era of sorrow.

With the death of Prabhakaran, the pessimistic mentality of the majority of our people has ended. The entire world was surprised over what had happened in this country. The misled Tamil people have entered the correct path.

However, it is essential to point out that there is a distortion in our country due to the devil dance of a small group of power hungry people who had no chance whatsoever of coming to power, are bent upon to mortgage the nation today.

Sri Lankans should open their eyes and look at this attempt to revive foreign money power and terrorism sensibly. One should examine the track record of those who are in this vicious campaign. Are you aware that there are paid brokers who spread baseless stories and rumours among the passengers in every train and bus with the intention to change the mentality of the people?

Today, the power of money is being used to misguide the people by spreading rumours and fabricated stories. A country cannot get food without cultivating crops locally. Do most of the people at least grow a chillie plant? Can the government control the prices of imported food? There are only a handful of countries that depend entirely on imported food.

Indian people are very poor and susceptible. However, they have the courage to stand with their own strength. They do not expect anything from the government. Hence, India is progressing rapidly, overcoming poverty.

Some of the dim-witted three-wheeler drivers exploit passengers on one hand and hoodwink the owners on the other. Those who work abroad for a short period of time, forget their profession and become three-wheeler drivers as it is an easy way of making money while indulging in anti-social activities. Most of them do not have any concerns or love towards their families.

It was the Gangaramaya that had helped the poor people to obtain bank loans to purchase three-wheelers. One can easily verify this fact from the David Peiris Company.

Three-wheeler drivers should think of their country, their families and the fearful period in the recent past and stop misguiding the people by propagating falsehoods. Instead they should tell the truth about the real meaning of the freedom gained by the people.

The lazy people without a sense or an ability to foresee the future have forgotten the recent past. They try to set fire to the country by talking about the prices of commodities and shortages.

The majority of the people in our country do not even take a bag to bring a loaf of bread and even pay for the bag. Most of these people waste money and throw away more food than what they consume. Many people waste money on liquor and gambling without thinking of their families. There are many people who prefer to seek the facilities at hospitals rather than safeguarding their health by proper living habits.

It is, indeed, a wonder that this country, which has people who are too lazy even to reap the harvest and let it go waste, has made even this modest progress. People of Thailand, China, Japan and Vietnam are so hardworking that they want to use every drop of water before it flows to the sea. In our country, we do not even have one per cent of such persons.

The lazy people who waste natural resources and waste everything will value promises. Such people will follow such leaders. Very few people think of the need to allocate funds for education, health, public services and development.

It is said that most of the persons who take bribes are public servants. They are not among the needy. But these bribe-takers misguide the people.

J. R. Jayewardene

R. Premadasa

The time has come for the people of this country to think of the past mistakes and without allowing conditions to be formed for another war, without ending the freedom that has been won with many sacrifices and without distorting the minds of the Tamil people and ensure that the future generations will also reap the benefits of that freedom.

The concept of Janasaviya for the poor was introduced by the Gangaramaya. That has been now re-named as Samurdhi.

When President Ranasinghe Premadasa took over the leadership of the nation of which the economy was deteriorated, the Gangaramaya suggested the new concept of GST tax. The Gangaramaya has performed yeomen service to develop this country.

By introducing vocational training, the Gangaramaya has ensured that hitherto misguided youth received training for gainful employment and obtain employment abroad.

A system of home crops for household gardens was also introduced by the Gangaramaya. But the lethargic householders are too lazy for cultivations today.

President Mahinda Rajapaksa made the farmer a king. No other government has fixed a price for paddy and rice.

Because of such steps by the Mahinda Government, the farmer became the king. The fixed rate for paddy and rice has ensured that the farmer could stand on his feet without any facilities from the government. However, the government has also given them subsidised fertilizer.

W. Dahanayake proved that 'Amudaya' (loin cloth) was the cloth fit for a king by going to parliament in that dress. But today there are no farmers dressed in Amude. However, on January 26, the people of this country should go in Amude to the polling booth to re-elect Mahinda Rajapaksa who made the farmer a king.

When the world economy was in recession, it was the Mahinda Government which came to the rescue of our tea traders. The tea industry was also given the fertilizer subsidy. Plantation workers should also go in Amude to vote for Mahinda Rajapaksa. But the planters and tea traders have forgotten these things.

We too have worked in support of the United National Party (UNP). But when the Indian army was invited by President J. R. Jayewardene, it was the Gangaramaya that launched the black flag demonstration first.

We do not have differences on race, language, religion, caste or any political partiality.

Are you not aware of the dangers faced by the Sinhala, Tamil and Muslim communities?

Contractors hired by Tamil terrorists and allies have placed our country for auction today.

Fools, get rid of the curse that ruined us. Do not pay heed to the political opportunists who are trying to set fire to the country. Beware of the Dollars, Euros and Sterling pounds from foreign masters.

Another allegation against the government is that every MP was made a minister. If there was no government, the war could not have been won.

Has the opposition given support to the extension of emergency during the war? No. Opposition members joined the government due to the deterioration of the opposition. Those who joined the government have done some good work. Legally there was no provision to keep them in the government without giving them ministries. They were made ministers because of that legal requirement and not because the President wanted them to be ministers. Very few are aware that it was done reluctantly.

In keeping the government stable by all these means, who has succeeded in winning the war while facing unprecedented level of international pressure with courage, bravery and determination? Have you forgotten it?

Prime Minister D. S. Senanayake obtained independence in 1948 and President Mahinda Rajapaksa has re-established that freedom in 2009. British colonials do not like this. Arms agents do not like this.

Our innocent rural people are not aware of these international forces battling to defeat Mahinda Rajapaksa today. We must recognise that some people in white garb are today expressing happiness over the defeat of terrorism, are the very same people who wanted a bloodshed then. Today they are meditating on the side of the old foes. They do not have a policy, principle, knowledge or awareness. They simply want power. Those who just narrate some words like parrots, those who do not remember what was said yesterday, those who have no patriotism, those who sleep under the trees of money and those who will never get power by impossible promises are in this campaign.

Hence, This is the last chance'. Remember the heading of this article.

The nation should be made aware of the danger of those who plan to make the entire nation march to the military tune of left-right-left.

Nobody's permission is necessary to talk truthfully and to sit on the floor.

I appeal to the nation to be aware of the strategy to destroy our progress at a time when total freedom has been restored and the foundation is being laid for rapid development.

It is all right for the monks to go to parliament. But we do not have the freedom to advise the people what is good and what is bad. We are not afraid of threats and we will speak and write honestly.

The innocent young girls have been denied employment as garment factory workers by influencing the colonial powers. They say the concessions will be available if they come to power. Are these the acts of those who love this country and its people?

Leaders have been threatened of war crime trials. Threats have been issued to empty the jails and clean them to make way for political prisoners.

Threats have been issued that many will be imprisoned within 24 hours of coming to power.It is surprising that they plan to imprison people in a cleaned up jail. This awareness is praiseworthy.The answer to this is the attempt to commit political suicide without a trial first.Another allegation is that Mahinda Rajapaksa has held too many elections. Though it cost money, it is to safeguard people's power.

'This is the last chance'. What is the last chance? Last chance for a military rule? Last chance to lose our freedom? House arrest? Bullet of a gun? End of democracy?

'Cat is out of the bag', is an old saying. Another saying is that 'the known devil is better than the unknown'. We pray that all will have good thoughts on commitment to the country, development of the economy, community co-existence, rural development and religious uplift.

If the politicians and economists had brains, the cost of living could have been reduced by 30 or 40 per cent in a single day.

Those days, goods were given on credit for a week or two only. But today, the producer will get his money only after six months.

Because of the interest for that period, the cost of commodities has gone up by fifty per cent. The ultimate price is paid by the consumer. This is how the cost of living goes up. If the credit system is abolished and a system of cash payment was introduced, the cost can be reduced by 50 per cent. The consumer suffers due to this.

We have to pay for our sins. We pray that all will understand the need to live in unity in a single country.

Those who talk about brothers, should also know that they too have brothers and sisters. The unity in the Rajapaksa family has helped to eradicate terrorism and free the country.

If there are corrupt deals, they must be proved with evidence. Do not try to forget the past good deeds and attempt to bury the nation once again.

The Executive presidency has veto powers and that power should be given only to a most trusted person.If there are inexperienced people, the best platform for them is the forthcoming parliamentary election. The power can be devolved through that.

The writer is better known as Gangaramaya Podi Hamuduruwo

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