Let’s go a-whaling!
Gehan De Silva Wijeyeratne took time off from his hectic Eco-holiday
schedule to talk to us about how Jetwing has become the pioneer in Sri
Lanka’s whale-watching excursions. Here are excerpts of the interview:
1. How has Jetwing become a pioneer in bringing out the best in
whale-watching excursions?
The story that Sri Lanka was the best place in the world for seeing
Blue Whales was taken to the world in May 2008 by me,Gehan de Silva
Wijeyeratne with my position as the CEO of Jetwing Eco Holidays. The
story was backed up by a scientific hypotheisis which had been tested by
my team and I at Jetwing. If it were not for our efforts, southern Sri
Lankas potential for seeing Blue Whales may still be unknown, as it had
remained unknown for many years previously.
2. As a naturalist adventurer and photographer, how has your work
with Dr.Charles Anderson proved that Sri Lanka was the ideal
whale-watching destination?
It was Dr Charles Anderson who in August 2003 provided a scientific
reasons as to why the South of Sri Lanka, off Mirissa, would be good for
seeing Blue Whales. Until then seeing whales had been a matter of chance
with no defined period and site for going after Blue Whales.
3. As tourism has boomed after the peace, how do you think
whale-watching should be regulated in this country by not interfering
with mother nature?
There are many whale watching guidelines already in practice in
countries like Australia and New Zealand we can adopt without
re-inventing the wheel. The boats used by Jetwing display the code of
conduct published by the Whale and Dolphin Society of the UK.
Any regulation must be intelligent and practical and allow the
creation of livelihoods and economic growth through whale watching
without compromising the welfare of the animals.
4. How can we advise tourists and domestic travelers to be wary of
the interests of the whales?
Keep a comfortable distance to the whales and let them choose to
approach you if at all. Dont bear down on them as that could create
5. What is Jetwings future plans in bringing the best whale-watching
Jetwing offers whale watching trips accompanied by a knowledgeable
naturalist. We encourage the boat crews to be responsible and to avoid
stress to the animals. We support the work of marine mammal researchers.
The team from Jetwing is also at the cutting edge of developing
On 7 March 2010, we marked a milestone occasion when we Kalpitiya
Peninsula as the third and last of Sri Lankas marine mammal watching hot
spots. |