Rs.5,000 m allocated:
Govt. commences paddy purchasing
by Uditha Kumarasinghe
The Government has already commenced its national paddy purchasing
program in all major paddy producing areas countrywide.
In order to successfully conduct this program, five zones have been
set up to purchase paddy from farmers including Anuradhapura,
Polonnaruwa, Southern and Eastern provinces, an Agriculture Development
and Agrarian Services Ministry spokesman told the Sunday Observer.
The Treasury has decided to release funds to co-operative societies
to purchase paddy, he said.
The Government's paddy purchasing program is being conducted through
the Paddy Marketing Board (PMB), Co-operatives and private sector
dealers approved by the PMB to purchase paddy from farmers. A Kilo of
Samba paddy is purchased at a certified price of Rs.30 while a Kilo of
Nadu paddy is purchased at Rs.28, he said.
The spokesman denying the claims made by the Opposition on the
reduction of paddy prices said the Government will purchase paddy from
farmers under its certified prices. Paddy prices have not come down as
the Opposition claims, he said.
He said the PMB has adequate storage facilities to store the paddy
harvest purchased from farmers. If there is any shortage of storage
facilities, steps will be taken to transport the purchased paddy to
Colombo and store them in Government's stores in Colombo and suburbs.
After the eradication of terrorism, paddy cultivation in the Eastern
province has shown a rapid increase. A bumper paddy harvest is also
expected from the Eastern province during this Maha season, he added.