Eid protests hit Indian Kashmir
SRINAGAR, India, Sept 11 AFP Prayers to mark the
end of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan turned into anti-India
demonstrations and rallies Saturday in Kashmir which has been racked
by weeks of unrest.
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85 inmates escape from Mexican jail on US border
NUEVO LAREDO, Sept 11, 2010 (AFP) - Eighty-five
inmates escaped Friday from a jail in the Mexican city of Reynosa,
on the border with the US state of Texas, in the largest prison
breakout here in recent years, officials said.
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England's Catholic leader cannot forgive abusers in denial
LONDON, Sept 11 (AFP) : The leader of England's
Catholics said it was impossible to forgive paedophile priests who
refuse to admit their crimes, in an interview out Saturday ahead of
Pope Benedict XVI's visit.
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