Canadian sleuths identify six LTTE captains
Canadian investigators have identified six LTTE
captains among the illegal immigrants who arrived on board the Ocean
Lady in October 2009 and MV Sun Sea last month. “Investigation
findings remain discreet as the government intends to arrest the
organisers of both these ships shortly,
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Attempts to smuggle drugs worth millions foiled
Attempts by several passengers to smuggle in
heroin, hashish and Babul worth millions of rupees to the country
last week at the Bandaranaike International Airport (BIA) were
foiled by the Police Narcotics Bureau (PNB) sleuths, Police sources
told the Sunday Observer.
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Mullikulam Naval Area Headquarters:
Booster to country’s first line of defence
Sri Lanka which had just emerged from the debris
of the conflict after eradicating the menace of three decades of
terrorism should have a proper security plan to prevent terrorism
raising its head again.
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