Canadian sleuths identify six LTTE captains
by Manjula FERNANDO
Canadian investigators have identified six LTTE captains among the
illegal immigrants who arrived on board the Ocean Lady in October 2009
and MV Sun Sea last month.
findings remain discreet as the government intends to arrest the
organisers of both these ships shortly,” authoritative sources said.
Canadian Immigration Minister Jason Kenney who was in India last week on
a multi-country visit has also changed his travel plans to tour
Australia, this week, where he is expected to discuss the country’s
tough policies in dealing with illegal immigrants, the paper said.
Elcock, the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) director
from 1994 to 2004, will visit Thailand and the Philippines, where the
international smuggling networks are based in and most of the illegal
migrant activities take place, “to pursue high level discussions”
seeking cooperation on intercepting smugglers.
Canada is pursuing coordinated efforts and international policies to
deter human trafficking following the arrival of Ocean Lady, a suspected
LTTE arms vessel carrying 76 refugee claimants last year and the much
bigger human smuggling operation on MV Sun Sea last month with 492
illegal immigrants and suspected LTTE members.
Sri Lanka maintains that both these ships were operated by the active
LTTE human trafficking network and hardcore LTTE leaders and members,
were also on board among others. Sri Lanka’s High Commissioner in
Ottawa, Chitranganee Wagiswara is in contact with the Canadian Foreign
Ministry sharing intelligence on the background of the ship and its
crew, the Foreign Ministry said. |