Symposium to mark the 1,600th anniversary of Ven Fa-Xian's
pilgrimage to Sri Lanka
by Ven. Chuan Yin
In time of a golden breeze and a coming Mid-Autumn Day, A symposium
in memory of 1600th Anniversary of Ven. Fa-xian's pilgrimage to Sri
Lanka is grandly held in here. I hereby represent the Buddhist
Association of China to extend warm welcome and sincere greetings to
venerables, scholars and friends from both China and Sri Lanka for the
symposium; as well as warm congratulations to the opening for the
The friendly communication between China and Sri Lanka enjoys a deep
root and long stream in history. There are great contributions by
Buddhists of the both countries for the establishment and development in
friendship between two nations and peoples. In accordance to Chinese
history, there are records in Vol.54 of Jin book and Liang Book which
said, when the King of Singhaladvipa heard that the Emperor Xiaowu in
Eastern Jin Dynasty (373-396) believe in Buddhism, He sent the monk
named Dharma to bring a Jade Buddha Statue in height of four chi and two
cun came to the capital of Jin(Nanjing) through 10 years voyage on
ocean. From that, the friendly relations among China and Sri Lanka were
opened in the curtain of history. It is in the Eastern Jin Dynasty that
the eminent Monk Rev. Fa-Xian paid a pilgrimage to both India and Sri
Lanka for Buddha Dharma as he felt that Vinaya book was not completely
translated into Chinese at that time.
Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to China
Karunatilaka Amunugama, Prof. Bhante Madawala Seelavimala
Thera, Rev. Chuan Yin, President of All China Buddhist
Association addressing the symposium |
At the 6th year of Yixi in Eastern Jin dynasty (410), Ven Fa-xian
came to Singhaladvipa (Presently Sri Lanka from India and paid his
pilgrimage to Abhayagiri Vihara, Buddha Tooth Relic Vihara and Chaitya
Vihara as well as Maha -Vihara in the capital of Anuradhapura.
He took his pilgrimage footprints in there, left a record of the
Dharma assembly to enshrine the Buddha tooth relic and cremation of an
Arhat in Maha -Vihara.
He collected many Buddhist sutras in Sanskrit such a s
Mahisasakakavinaya, Dirghagama Sutra, Samyktaga Sutra etc., and returned
to China in the year of 412. Both Ven. Dharma and Ven. Fa-Xian are great
pioneers to open the Buddhist culture communication and people's
friendship among china and Sri Lanka. The Records of Buddhist Kingdoms
by Ven. Fa-xian, is the most important historical document for people in
nowadays to study the sino-Sri lanka Buddhist Exchanges in past times.
Ven. Fa-xian is regarded up to now to make great contributions for the
friendship between China and Sri Lanka. Rev. Zhao Pu-Chu, the former
president of the Buddhist Association of China even said, the main merit
of Ven.Fa-xian was that he had eternally left good impression of China
in minds of people of Sri Lanka, while good impression of Sri Lanka in
minds of Chinese people.
He played great function to push forwards the friendly exchanges
among Buddhists and cultural communication among nations of both China
and Sri Lanka even in a few centuries later.
It is eminent Buddhist monks such as Ven. Fa-Xian and Ven. Dharma who
promoted the Buddhist friendship in development and Buddhist belief in
prosperity. Since the founding of People's Republic of China, there were
many new branches grown up in the Buddhist friendship tree by China and
Sri Lanka.
The Buddha Statue in Samadhi gesture by H.E. President of your noble
country, as precious gift to China is enshrined in Beijing Lingguang
It is a great new branch, We regard. The great assembly herein today
will be one more splendid blossom among the traditional friendship tree
by both China and Sri Lanka we Believe.
We treasured very much on this wonderful causes and conditions, let's
learn from ancestors' spirit for Dharma in diligence. We wish that the
friendship tree by both Buddhist circles and peoples of two countries
will be flourishing and evergreen under the watering of Buddhist wisdom
and compassion.
I was very honoured to visit Sri Lanka a few years ago. I was
impressed by the audience with the President and the Prime Minister of
your noble country, as well as view of the grand occasions of the
festival in Sri Dalada Maligawa in Kandy. There is a poem by myself to
record the unforgettable beautiful impressions during my visit to Sri
Lanka as follows:
A flight to the Buddhist Kingdom in south
In arrival after Passing over the ocean in one night
Whatever you see are colourful flowers
Whoever you met are smiley in face
Happy tones and dances to be full of long street
Songs from happy mind applaud in deep night
The holy elephant in kind and gentle manner
A holy vehicle for the pagoda of Buddha Tooth Relic..
(Excepts from the opening speech by Most. Ven. Chuan Yin, President
of the Buddhist Association of China at the Symposium held in
association with the Sri Lanka Embassy in China and the Buddhist
Association of China at the Lingguang Temple)