Launch of Ceylon Cinnamon with Green and Black Tea
For as long as Sri Lanka has been famous for its twin crops of tea
and cinnamon, one would think that someone would have thought of
combining the two before now. Cinnamon tea after all is not a very new
concept. Boil some sticks of cinnamon with water and make 'cinnamon
The recipe is especially popular in the west, not only for its aroma
and flavour but also for health reasons.
cinnamon tea |
Tea has long been considered good for health.
And the health effects of cinnamon are receiving widespread attention
in scientific circles just now. It has long been known in indigenous
medicine. Scientific studies in the west have recently established that
cinnamon is effective in curing or controlling ailments such as
gastritis, diabetes, cancer and arthritis. So apparently, while many
people have drunk cinnamon tea, this is the first time a company has
thought of combining the two products and patenting it.
International Business Galaxy Limited, Sri Lanka, which was
incorporated last year as a public limited liability company, will be
launching its main product - Ceylon Cinnamon with Green and Black Tea on
October 17. Its founder and CEO, Ajintha Wickramanayake says he founded
the company to introduce "creative and innovative" products into the
market as, given the economic context, those are the products that will
take off and earn a niche.
"This is a superlative product to be marketed to everybody but we are
not in competition with other tea marketing companies", he said.
According to Operations Manager, Ishaq Muzzamil, the company is out
to earn a niche and name for itself on organic health products, not the
tea market.
Another of the founder's innovative ideas is to give dividends to
shareholders from gross profits, not net profits.
"We already have a lot of orders in place from overseas.
We are sure that this will be a very successful product and we intend
to thank all our shareholders by paying out dividends from our gross
profits," said Wickramanayake.
According to Wickramanayake, while other companies have marketed
cinnamon flavoured tea, this is the first time a company has
incorporated actual cinnamon into tea and marketed it as a health
He had worked with researchers from the University of Ruhuna for
three and a half years before perfecting his product.
Asked why people should buy his product instead of just boiling
cinnamon and water to make tea as they have in the past, he noted "We
have conducted a lot of laboratory tests to get the mix just right.
This is our product, we do not urge anyone to use it too much. A
scoop comes with each packet so that you can get the measurement just
right and there are instructions on the packet, warning you against
having it more than four times a day."