Swaminathan Suseendirarajah: :
Kelaniya University honours eminent professor of Linguistics
by Dr. Kandiah Shriganeshan
Emeritus Prof. Swaminathan Suseendirarajah, an internationally famed
intellectual, formerly attached to the University of Jaffna was honoured
with an Honorary degree of Doctor of Letters by the University of
Kelaniya in its 50th General convocation held on 17th June 2010.
Professor Suseendirarajah is undoubtedly the most prolific scholar in
the field of Linguistics and widely respected by many a scholar from
England, America, India, Malaysia and Russia. He was Professor of
Linguistics at the University of Jaffna until Oct'99. His varied and
well-documented contributions which appeared in learned academic
journals both in Sri Lanka and abroad bear testimony to his wide and
analytical knowledge in this field of scholarship. His research fields
include variety of different disciplines like Hindu Cultural studies,
and folklore, other than General Linguistics, Tamil Linguistics, and
applied linguistics (teaching Tamil as a second language to speakers of
the languages like Sinhalese, Chinese and Americans).
Prof. Swaminathan
Suseendirarajah |
As a Professor of Linguistics he has served his motherland to achieve
peace and harmony through teaching Tamil and Sinhala in collaboration
with Prof. W.S. Karunatillake and publishing books to teach these
languages. Professor Suseendirarajah used to tell us in the mid of
lectures that the Tamils should study Sinhala and the Sinhalese should
study Tamil, and a day should dawn when a Tamil becomes a Professor of
Sinhala and a Sinhala becomes a Professor of Tamil! He has consistently
impressed upon the junior staff of his department on the importance of
comparative study of Sinhala and Tamil and encouraged his students like
Prof. M.A.Nuhuman, Dr (Mrs). R.Kailanathan, Dr. (Mrs). Ramesh to
undertake comparative studies of Tamil and Sinhala for their doctoral
degree. Wimal Swaminathan, a Sinhala Special degree graduate who was
appointed as a lecturer in Sinhala at the University of Jaffna during
his tenure worked on the common vocabulary of Tamil and Sinhala for his
Master's degree.
"Prof. S. Suseendirarajah is a man of unobtrusive manner; he is
unostentatious and shuns any kind of popularity. Simplicity is the main
trait of this scholarly personality" Thus says Dr. (Mrs). A. Sivapalan,
Senior Lecturer in English of the University of Jaffna (Sunday Observer,
07.11.1999). Though he is a modest intellectual and very much unknown to
the common man, his name has been cited in the Marquis 'Who's Who in the
World',U.S.A and also in the Dictionary of International Biography
Cambridge, U.K. The Cambridge International Biographical Centre, England
has also selected his name to be included in their latest publication
'2000 outstanding Intellectuals of the 20th Century'.
Born on 9th October, 1933 in a coastal village of Myliddy, Jaffna to
a well-educated family and being the seventh child of nine children of a
leading educationist in the north, Prof. S. Suseendirarajah was nurtured
in an atmosphere which instilled in him an eager quest for knowledge
very early in life. His father, Late S. Swaminathan, a former Principal
of the Saiva Teachers' Training College, Thirunelveli, Jaffna was one of
the famous intellectual trio attached to it. The other two were
Po.Kailasapathy, an outstanding scholar and the Vice Principal of the
college and Eelathu Pandithamani Kanapathippillai, a famous literary
figure and a lecturer at the college. All three influenced the educated
people of Jaffna and elsewhere in and out of country very much then.
Suseendirarajah enjoyed the rare opportunity of listening to their
academic discussions during his tender age.
Having received primary education from Gnanodaya Vidyasalai, Myliddy
South, Jaffna and Union College, Tellippalai he pursued his secondary
education at Parameshvara College in Jaffna and St. Joseph's College,
Bangalore in India. He obtained B. A. in Tamil in 1958 and M. A in Tamil
in 1959 from the University of Madras.
He returned to Sri Lanka to work as a journalist at the Associated
Newspapers Ltd, Lake House, Colombo for a brief period. Having self-
motivated by his interest in higher studies he went to India again to
pursue his post graduate studies at the Centre of Advanced Studies in
Linguistics, Annamalai University, Tamilnadu in July 1960 under eminent
scholars like Prof.T.P.Meenashisudaram, Prof.M.Sanmugampilai,
Prof.S.Aguesthialingam and Prof.S.V.Shanmugam all of whom excelled in
Dravidian Linguistics. He got through the Master's degree with a First
class and secured Post-Graduate Diploma in Sanskrit and Certificates in
Malayalam and Kannada. He had a rare chance of being appointed as a
lecturer in Linguistics at the Annamalai University and gained three
years' experience in teaching linguistics. In the meantime, he continued
as a research scholar to work for Doctorate. He was the first to receive
Ph. D. in Linguistics from Annamalai University, India. His doctoral
thesis was highly commended by scholars like M.Andronov from Russia, a
scholar in Dravidian Linguistics, Professor James W.Gair from the Cornel
University, U.S.A., Professor R.E.Asher from the Edinburgh University,
U.K. and Prof.R.Householder, Indianna University, U.S.A.
After such enthusiastic academic achievements he began his budding
academic career as a lecturer in Tamil at the undergraduate Department
of Jaffna College in1967 and served for three years. It was in 1971 he
got into his favourite field of study and got appointed as a lecturer in
Linguistics first at the University of Colombo and later at the
University of Kelaniya as a senior lecturer in Linguistics. It was while
at the University of Kelaniya that he undertook a research on Sinhala
and Tamil Linguistics studies in collaboration with Prof. W. S.
Karunatillake of the University of Kelaniya and Prof. James W. Gair of
the University of Cornell, USA and published a very useful book titled
'An Introduction to spoken Tamil'. During this period he published
extensively in national and international journals in General
Linguistics, Applied Linguistics, Socio Linguistics, Anthropological
Linguistics as well as studies in Dravidian languages, both in English
and Tamil. Prof. S. Suseendirarajah worked at the University of Kelaniya
until instruction in the Tamil medium was scrapped in 1980.
When the Tamil stream of studies at the Kelaniya University was
shifted to the Jaffna University in 1980 Suseendirarajah opted to move
to the University of Jaffna and joined the Department of Tamil. He felt
the importance and need for a separate department for the study of
linguistics. He organized linguistics studies in Jaffna and through his
efforts a new department emerged in 1983. Initially it was named as the
Department of Languages and Cultural Studies. Later in 1992 it was
recognized as the Department of Linguistics and English and a chair for
Linguistics was created. He got the chair and became the founder
Professor of Linguistics in 1984 in Jaffna. He was promoted to the post
of Senior Professor in 1992. In the University of Jaffna, he had been
the Head of Department of Tamil and also the Department of Languages and
Cultural Studies wherein apart from Linguistics, Christian Civilization,
Islamic Civilization and English Language were units of studies.
During his career at the University of Jaffna Prof. S.
Suseendirarajah supervised the research work of many postgraduate
students. He was also the examiner of doctoral dissertations in
Linguistics and Tamil studies submitted to the Universities of Monash
(Australia), Annamalai, Kamaraj, Barathithasan (Madras, India). From
1972-1980 he was one of the consultants of the Government Schools Text
Books Committee. When the Lexicography Unit of the Faculty of Arts,
University of Jaffna, set up a link program with the University of
Tanjavur Prof. S. Suseendirarajah supervised the compilation of Sri
Lankan Tamil Lexical items. These items have been included in the
Greater Tamil Lexicon published by the Tamil University of Tanjavur.
Apart from the academic services within the university curricula and
syllabi, Professor also contributed his intellectual services to the
society by editing the thoughts and writings of Po.Kailasapathy, a
prominent scholar in Saiva Siddhanta in Jaffna along with Mr.
A.Sabaratnam, a freelance writer and the book was published by the
University of Jaffna under the title 'Kailasapathy Chinthanaikal'
(Thoughts of Kailasapathy). His attempt to analyse critically the works
of Pandithamani Kanapathippillai showed his quest for objective and his
critical approach was treated as a discipline. All these works were
compiled by Dr. Kandiah Shriganeshan (the writer of this article) under
the title Eelathu Pandithamani (published by Kumaran Printers).
Professor Suseendirarajah was appointed as a member of various
committees at the Jaffna University namely the Research Grants
Committee, Selection Committee for Professors and the University
Publication Committee. His voice echoed in every sitting of higher
bodies of the University of Jaffna in relation to maintaining high
standards. His methodical precision and clarity of language had been
singularly helpful to many of his colleagues. Many junior academics of
various fields in the Faculty of Arts have sought his advice and
guidance in methodology for their post graduate research work.
Suseendirarajah is a life member of the Linguistics society of India
and the Dravidian Linguistics Association, Kerala. He has written six
books, more than 50 research articles, and four book-reviews and has
edited two books. Some of his selected articles in Tamil and English
were collected and edited by his students namely K.Balasubramanium,
K.Ratnamalar and R.Subathini and Some Tamil articles were also edited by
Dr.S.Rajaram and R.Subathini and published as a Commemoration Volume to
mark his sixty fifth birthday in 1999. The M.D.Gunasenas Publishing
Company published another book titled 'An Introduction to Literary
Tamil' co-authored by Prof.S.Suseendirarajah and Prof.W..Karunatillake.
After retirement, Prof. Suseendirarajah moved to Colombo and worked
in different language projects. He worked as a consultant in the
trilingual Dictionary Project of the Department of Officials Languages,
Government of Sri Lanka and authored two books titled Spoken Tamil and
Written Tamil. He has also worked as a consultant in the English and
Tamil Glossary work in the same department. Prof. helped the Institute
of Human Resource Advancement of the University of Colombo as a
consultant to organize learning Tamil as a second language at three
levels: Basic Course in Tamil- Spoken Tamil, Intermediate Course in
Tamil -Written Tamil, and Advanced Course in Tamil leading to Diploma in
Tamil. It is noteworthy that over one thousand students are learning
Tamil as a second language in this Institute under the Directorship of
Having served for more than 40 years in various esteemed positions,
and being an examiner for doctoral dissertations, a member in the Sri
Lanka Text book Advisory Board for several years and a consultant for
many a language course, Professor Suseendirarajah is still playing a big
role in propagating the use of Tamil linguistics and cultural studies in
our educational fields at the age of seventy-seven. Having led an
exemplary life as an eminent academic, a teacher and a researcher par
excellence who fought for the cause of upholding high standards in
university education, Professor's remarkable scholarship, high quality
of research, and uncompromising stand on keeping principals would be
followed by his students forever.
To such an eminent scholar, honourary awards were showered upon after
his retirement. First the University of Jaffna honoured him with a
degree of Doctor of Letters in 2000. Then the national award, "Deshanethru"
was awarded to him in 2008 by his Excellency the President for his
overall contribution in the field of language, literature and arts and
this honour was treated as an honour made to Tamil linguistic research
in Sri Lanka.
Recently, the University of Kelaniya showed its admiration by
awarding him another degree of Doctor of Letters for his contribution in
the field of Linguistics in general and promoting peace and harmony
through bilingual lingual language programmes in particular. The Tamils
of this nation is proud to see one of our intellectuals is honoured by
the intellectuals of our brethren university. Let us keep this spirit to
make the country go forward and achieve peace and harmony.
The writer is Head and Senior Lecturer in English, English Language
Teaching Unit, Vavuniya Campus of the University of Jaffna