An ode to Miranda House-Department of English (Universtiy of Delhi)
It was after the Autumn break,
Can you believe it, THREE months late?
I landed up so brave in class, all the way from Sri Lanka.
It was for English Honours I came,
It turned out to be a conception lame.
It was of LIFE, out there I learnt,
Wisdom and truth, like torches burnt.
You are always given a voice,
To defend your belief, you had a choice.
Arguments in voices sweet,
Crashed on top of ideology.
Be it gender or equality,
For an entire year, I was in awe
As I learnt to love you more and more.
The 'taken for granted' issues all life,
The forever 'Accepted norms', now a fright,
Day after day it broadened the mind,
Till you couldn't enjoy a movie at a sight.
And then in typical Bollywood style,
When to Heaven I tried to fly,
The whole department dragged me back,
Willing hands carrying my life's big sack.
With a memory-loss and a future bleak,
You clapped and cheered as I fought-though weak!!!
Away from home, I didn't want to be
Anywhere else but my English De.
Life has offered many gifts to me,
But none as precious as my Department sweet.
Today at home, in school I teach,
With your inspiration instilled in me................ G. C. Priyangwada
In this poem, the poet who was a student at
Delhi University recalls of the character that famous Miranda House
which houses the Department of English. For the eager foreign student,
Miranda House became a potent symbol of Indian life and the rich student
life that the University of Delhi offers. Over the years, the poet,
quite naturally, fell in love with Miranda House and the Department of
English which make an important part of the life of the poet. It would
have been so for thousands of students who learn at the Department of
English in Miranda House. The poet has universalised rather a personal
experience and loads of memories associated with Miranda House. The poet
uses evocative diction and short lines to deliver her message. -Indeewara
The blessed rain
Dark clouds floating above my head,
Make me happily float ahead.
I feel the breeze, cool and wet,
Encircling me in a cozy net.
Lightning flashing, thunder smashing,
Raindrops clashing, rooftops slashing,
With a booming sound,
A storm goes round.
Oh! What a great joy!
To see the rain destroy!
The dusty encroaching heat,
With a great defeat.
Helma Kamalasuriya
The poem describes the sheer joy of raining
as the rain destroys the 'dusty encroaching heat'. The poet has aptly
described the atmosphere that the rain would create particularly after a
prolonged drought. The poet has used simple diction and apt metaphors. -Indeewara
Winds of change
Winds of change
Seem never to arrive
This month of August
And I am still alive
Roaming like a wanderer
Over lands unknown
Without direction
Without the will to travel
Yet the searching for the ultimate
Happiness in life
So the wanderer is again on the journey
Of never ending life Bertholamuze Nisansala Dharmasena
The poet travels without specific aim,
expecting at any moment, a change of wind which seems to not come about.
In another way, what poet suggest is that life will go on irrespective
of whether there is a ' wind of change ' or not. It is illusory journey
in search of ultimate happiness. -Indeewara
I wish ...
I wish I didn't know what love is,
So that I don't feel hatred,
But, apathy;
I wish I didn't know what beauty is,
So that I don't encounter
But, ignorance;
I wish I didn't know what compassion is,
So that I don't stumble upon cruelty,
But, indifference;
I wish I didn't know what commendation is,
So that I don't undergo criticism,
But lack of interest;
I wish I didn't know what friendship is,
So that I don't suffer hostility,
But, unconcern;
I wish I was born alone in this world,
So that I don't feel the closeness,
Or, face antagonism,
But, peace and solitude. Inoka Makalanda
In this poem, the poet describes her wishes
to be detached from the world. It is the contacts with the world and the
interaction with others which will create emotions both negative and
positive. These emotions would turn into attachments. However, the peace
lies not in an isolated place but in a strong and firm mind which will
withstand the tempests of life. -Indeewara |