Gateway U-15 Cager Champions

Standing (Left to right): Parami Kajol, Aishath Navaal,
Hashmath Hussan, Eugenie Geeganage, Thakshalya Manohar,
Nethma Arsakulasooriya, Binuri Galappaththi, Farah Jumart,
Osuri Ariyakumara, Shanilie Ranathunga, Hirushee Zoysa.
Sitting (Left to right): Gilson Peris - Senior Sports Co-ordinator,
Pasini Withanage - Captain, Ms. Ruwanthi Perera -
Teacher-in-Charge, Robert Lennon - Headmaster, R.I.T. Alles,
Chairman, Dervin Perera - Head of Sports, Tharindu Fernando
(Coach). Absent: Teshani Dathunarachchi and Rayani Nawaratne.
Gateway College Colombo beat British School Colombo by 21-7 to win
the Inter-International Schools Under 15 Girls Basketball tournament for
the third successive year. Gateway led 9-3 at half time. Gateway's
Captain, Pasini Withanage was named the Most Valuable Player of the
Tournament while Shenuka Wakkumbura was chosen to be the Best Offensive
Player. OKI, Wattala beat Asian International School to secure the third
place. During the initial rounds Gateway beat Colombo International
School by 20-15, Lyceum Wattala by 25 - 13, British School Colombo by 22
- 02 and Royal Institute by 22 - 02. At the semi-final, Gateway beat
OKI, Wattala by 22-18.