To develop capital market:
Consultative committee, a must
Players are urging the government to set up a consultative committee
comprising regulators and industry players to iron out issues and
increase confidence in the capital market as regulators are not aware of
its practical operations.
CEO RAM Ratings Lanka Adrian Perera said that the players are not
asking for tax concessions or a relaxation of regulations but a level
playing field to develop the capital market to be on par with other
The debt market is around Rs. 50 b and a withholding tax is charged
on corporate paper.
Therefore, it is not on par with bank loans as people prefer to
obtain a bank loan rather than a commercial paper. It doesn’t make sense
to charge interest as the debt market is very small.
It is a viable option to remove it as it is a fledgling market. Once
the market is developed the regulator can implement it. Perera said that
the IMF and the Central Bank are keen to develop the debt market.
Therefore, it is a must to set up a consultative committee and get
the opinion of industry players before implementing any regulations
which can be harmful to the development of the market.
He said that the private debt securities market should be regulated.
At present there is a private debt securities market that cannot be
Therefore, a simple system to register these institutions and make
rating mandatory should be initiated. The Central Bank too has to get
involved as the papers go through the banking sector.
In addition, investment banks and investment houses are not
regulated. Since we are developing the market, it is a must to regulate
them now and ensure that they have proper capital and employ
professionals which will give confidence to investors.
In addition, the corporate finance (investment banking) arm should be
removed from the banks. It will be a success story like that of primary
dealers who went to the market on their individual strengths. After the
global financial crisis universal banking is not considered a viable
option any more.
Among the other issues affecting the market is the lack of qualified
and experienced people and lack of willingness by companies to obtain a
rating. Steps must be taken to train people which will help investors to
make informed and correct decisions. Also rating should be made
mandatory. This will give confidence to investors as rating is being
done by an outside company. In the USA, Perera said all companies are
rated by three individual rating agencies. In countries such as
Singapore and Malaysia too rating is mandatory.
He said that after Central Bank Governor Ajith Nivard Cabraal assumed
office, a consultative committee comprising industry players and the
regulators was established for the banking industry. It is a welcome
move as all issues pertaining to the industry can be discussed and
solved. Establishing such a committee for the capital market will help
the country to become a financial hub in two years as funds are coming
into the Asian markets.
He said that it is an achievable target, but the fundamentals have to
be in place fast if we are to entice investors.