Time for Pakistan to redefine relations with America
by Mohammad JAMIL
The unilateral action by American Special forces in Abbottabad that
killed Osama bin Laden is making waves on the diplomatic front between
Pakistan and the United Stated.
Of course, their intelligence plateau is too in ruffles. There is no
doubt that the ISI has been sharing information with the CIA that led to
the arrest of scores of Al Qaeda leaders and operatives.
Yet, the CIA pulled the fast one on the ISI by hiding information
about Osama bin Laden, about which the ISI feels having been stabbed in
the back by the CIA.
It is true that after Raymond Davis episode relations between
Pakistan and the US had become strained, but America's unilateral action
brought the relations between the two countries at the lowest ebb.
Anyhow this is the time to redefine relations with America, Pakistan
claims it has always honoured its commitments viz-a-viz defence pacts or
bilateral agreement with the US, but it was America that ditched
Pakistan after achieving its objectives every time.
In fact, failure to capture Osama bin Laden was due to the fact that
Americans believed in "shock and awe", and relied on daisy-cutter bombs
and missile attacks.
They did not put enough boots on the ground when the US attacked
Afghanistan to overthrow the Taliban.
The result was that Osama bin Laden and other leaders first moved to
Kunar, then to FATA and ultimately to settled areas in Pakistan. It was
indeed the responsibility of the US and its allies to stop them and
arrest them on their side of the Pak-Afghan border.
Anyhow, Pakistanis felt humiliated over unilateral action by the US;
and they demanded of the government to stop cooperation in the war on
terror and withdraw facility of logistics and supplies to 150000
American and NATO troops.
It has to be mentioned that 9/11 was a monumental intelligence
failure, and so was the Mumbai intelligence failure on 26th November
2008. Pakistan therefore should not be blamed for Osama bin Laden's
presence in Abbottabad.
There is a perception that he found Abbottabad close to Pakistan
Military Academy as a safe place so that nobody could even imagine that
the most wanted man was staying there.
If any local support was there, it would be known only after the
inquiry is conducted.
However, the purpose of the inquiry should be to review the military
doctrine because of changes in technology; and to provide adequate
finances for reforming or restructuring so that in future such lapse or
failure does not occur.
A consensus action plan they must evolve to face up to these emerging
threats. Pakistan's civil and military leaders must also evaluate as to
how Pakistan has been bought to the present pass.
Obviously, it was due to flawed decisions of the previous
governments, who did not realize that relations between the two
countries should be based on their mutual interests.