Govt exploring avenues for legal action :
Channel 4 video, a blatant lie - Dr Kohona
The Forces actually adopted an infantry approach.
It could have used heavy weapons from the beginning, but it didn’t.
They adopted an infantry approach because they wanted to avoid
civilian concentrations. In the process they lost over 6,000
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Channel 4 polar bear show draws heavy flak
Britain’s Channel 4 has drawn flak from TV
viewers and animal rights campaigners over the airing of a program
that depicted the hunting down and dissection of polar bears in the
Arctic. Animal rights groups have urged viewers to switch off the
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Video expert calls for judicial review of program
Internationally renowned expert in broadcast
video systems and Executive Director IPTV Systems Australia Siri
Hewavitharana in a brief interview with the Sunday Observer, said
the British broadcasting industry, which was respected and produced
the best broadcast technologists in the world,
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The School for the Blind:
A century of moulding useful citizens
...yellow coloured sign boards which display an
important message “Blind School Ahead - Drive Carefully...she was
prompted to install the boards to warn motorists to be diligent and
pay attention to the valuable lives of the blind children who cross
the Galle Road during peak hours in the mornings and afternoons,
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