New developments to ‘speed up’ evolution:
Exciting times for genetic research
Charles Darwin caused a furore when he presented
his Theory of Evolution and Natural Selection. Now it is taken for
granted. Evolution is a process that has taken billions of years.
Life on Earth has evolved from the tiniest micro-organism to
primates, including humans.
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Let's begin a spiritual journey
When we go on a journey, we encounter both
pleasure and pain. Pleasure comes from what we see or what we hear
on the way. Pain comes from accidents, delays and natural disasters.
In a spiritual journey too we should be ready to encounter pleasure
as well as pain.
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Thorns on the Side
Let there be light
Sri Lanka is a tropical country with plenty of
sunshine. The sun shines on our isle year-round and it is surely the
most abundant resource. But we are yet to realise the vast potential
of this freely available, completely renewable source of power.
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