Bizarre nature of the Jayewardene Cabinet
While awaiting the charges and the inquiry, I did a little
investigation, aided by a wonderful lady called Glencora Perera, who had
decided to support me enthusiastically. I had met her through the
English Association, of which Ashley Halpe, its long-standing Chair, had
asked me to become Secretary while I was at Peradeniya. Glen had known
my uncle Lakshman in her youth and thought I took after him: though a
solid supporter of the UNP, she was very positive about my resignation,
unlike most of the elite in Colombo.
Interesting, I was told by one of them, when I started having
problems at S. Thomas’, that one rumour being spread was that I was not
really interested in S. Thomas’, but had wanted to make a mark there so
that I could then go into politics and rival my cousin Ranil
Wickremesinghe then being Minister of Education. This was a preposterous
idea, though I did think that Ranil, though a relatively good Minister,
was weak on some matters.
I had called him about restarting English medium, and he told me
flatly that it was illegal. When I pointed out that he was permitting
English Medium to be started in the guise of International Schools, he
said that those did not come under him, but belonged to another
He himself had sent the papers to the Attorney General, to have them
prosecuted. That brought home to me the bizarre nature of the
Jayewardene Cabinet. It was the Prime Minister who had taken the Colombo
International School under his wing, when its Principal, the redoubtable
Elizabeth Moir, had a row with the Investors who had set it up.
Ironically, the Vice President of the S. Thomas’ Old Boys Association,
when I first started having difficulties, told me that the existing
education system was beyond repair, and asked me to join him and some
other Old Boys in starting an International School.
I turned the offer down, which may, in addition to my response to
Alex Wijesinha, that I did not see being Head of a School as a permanent
career, have contributed to the rumour of my other ambitions. But the
point was, I thought it better to try to reform the system from within.
I did in fact prepare a long paper, in which I pointed out how we could
legitimately conduct English Medium classes in terms of the existing
regulations, but in the animosity that had developed against me, the
paper was never put to the Board. Glencora approved heartily of all my
ideas, and indeed took them much further, which did nothing to reassure
Colombo about what was seen as our joint eccentricity.
In order to check on the financial irregularities, she made inquiries
at the Directorate of Companies, and discovered that Duleep Kumar had
recently floated a new company, the address of which was on New Buller’s
Road. We found there a large building being constructed, which we felt
explained why so much money had been put into a separate account which
had not been reported to the Board.
Glencora was scathing about the Members of the Board she felt were
conniving in crookedness, but her greatest scorn was reserved for the
poor Bishop of Colombo, Swithin Fernando. He was actually treated very
badly by the aristocrats on the Board, who relentlessly noted that he
had been not an Old Thomian and had not been to Royal either. As an
exalted member of the old Karawa elite, Glen herself was aware that
Swithin was not from the sort of established family that had previously
held Anglican bishoprics in Sri Lanka, notably the clans of Lakdasa de
Mel and Harold de Soysa. But her remarks about Swithin, whom in her own
way she was fond of, were with regard to what she saw as his lack of a
backbone. She decided to call him the “jellyfish”.
I used occasionally to be irritated with Swithin myself, and I felt
he should not have let his archdeacon down, but he was a genuinely good
man, honest and conscientious, and the pressures on him had been
When Bradman’s Committee finally framed charges, he summoned me to
suggest I should resign, since being dismissed would be a blot on my
career. Being dismissed by such a Board, I responded, would be an
honour. In fact I do not think any of the others were involved in the
peculation, but they, and in particular the Finance Committee, had
either connived in it or been culpably ignorant “except for poor Lyn
Dassenaike, who had doubtless not understood at all what was going on.
I had taken all my papers when I went to see the Bishop, and he
listened, stroking his cross, occasionally asking the Archdeacon whether
what I said was true. The archdeacon corroborated everything, and I
think the Bishop was not convinced. Duleep Kumar had tried to get rid of
me earlier, by complaining that I had gone abroad without informing the
Board. I had indeed gone, for a short but splendid week in Germany on a
ticket won in a raffle, and then more excitingly to join the World
Campus Afloat, which had suggested to my parents that I take their place
as Interport Lecturer, to introduce Sri Lanka to the students before
they landed. I had been flown out to Jakarta, and had a wonderful time
exploring Borobudur and Jogjakarta, and then Bali and Mt Bromo, the
volcano (travelling from Surabaya, a name I had always thought exotic,
though the city itself was horridly modern).
In Jakarta I met up with Margaret Gooneratne, the Librarian at the
American Centre, who also became President of the English Association,
since we had decided to rotate the post annually: after Ashley had gone
on his sabbatical, Ranjan Goonetilleke replaced him, and then we had
Margaret, who was a live wire, and was also able to use American
resources for regular publications. Margaret was staying in Jakarta with
Daisy and Bill Campbell, whom I was to come across many years later,
when I was put on the Board of Trinity College.
We had a simply marvellous evening in what I recall as an old mansion
in Jakarta, and I then enjoyed myself thoroughly on the ship, which was
to become a regular feature of my life over the next decade.
I was back well before the Committee presented its report. Before the
Inquiry was held, there was another meeting of the Board, after my
meeting with Swithin. Duleep Kumar did not appear, but sent in his
resignation. It was also decided that Lyn Illangakoon would finally
retire. His replacement would be Gerald de Alwis’s brother Neville.