Singer forges partnership with ASUS
CEO Singer Sri Lanka Asoka Peiris and
Regional Director South Asia ASUS Technology Ltd Albert Tung
forge the partnership. Pic: Kavindra Perera |
Singer Sri Lanka will launch a well-known brand of consumer durables
under its franchise soon, said CEO Singer Sri Lanka Asoka Peiris.
Announcing the partnership between ASUS computers and Singer he said
that the computers will sell quickly due to the priority given by the
government to ICT education and knowledge industries being established
in the country. He said that Singer is in a position to introduce
computers to every part of the country.
Peiris said that the highest selling product in Singer's portfolio
are televisions while computers fourth place. Singer has retailed
computers from the mid 1980's and in the last 5-6 years has accelerated
their retail due to demand.
Singer is the number one retailer in computers in the home market but
is yet to get to the number one position in the business to business
segment, he said.
Regional Director South Asia ASUS Technology PTE Ltd Albert Tung said
that they have appointed Singer as the exclusive retail partner as ASUS
trusts Singer's potential. ASUS with 11,000 employees, 77 support
centres and 50 offices worldwide netted a revenue of $ 10b last year. He
said that note books, PC netbooks and desktops account for 75 percent.