Do not abandon
pets or their litter
Stray dogs are a nuisance no doubt but who is really responsible for
them roaming the streets??? We humans of course. Even though we often
pay compliments to the canines by calling it a ‘ Man's best friend' ,
especially because of the heroic acts they do when it comes to
protecting and
us from danger and harm, very few of these dumb friends are treated in a
manner befitting this title.And so, going by the manner in which most of
them are treated not many canines would be able to return the compliment
paid to them byl humans.In fact, very call few dogs would be able to
call a human a dog’s best friend.
Not all humans display humane qualities when it comes to animals be
they wild or domesticated.Very few people would go out of their way to
help an animal in need. Yes, just like humans they too fall into
situations that need human assistance. But many of us are not willing to
spare out time to appease their hunger, ease their pain or lessen their
Even when it comes to dogs and cats, two species of animals that most
of us rear as pets,the story is no different. We often tend to neglect
and ignore their needs and fail to take care of them lovingly. Some
people are cruel beyond imagination to dogs that live on the streets.
All dogs whether they are pedigreed or not, domesticated or strays,
share common traits; they all feel hungry and thirsty, they all feel
pain and sorrow.
So, think twice before you raise your hand to harm an animal at home
or on the streets. You need not take the risk of petting stray dogs or
cats but you can certainly be kind to them. Perhaps some of you could
even provide a little food for them occasionally or try to find a good
home for them. May be you could even get them sterilised so that they
will at least not reproduce.Pet owners need to be more responsible and
NOT leave the litter of their pets, (kittens and puppies), in streets
corners or near temples and houses in the hope that someone would
provide food and shelter for them. Most often it does not happen and
these innocent creatures end up in total misery on the streets. Some get
injured or run over by passing vehicles or is subject to acts of cruelty
by people.Some pet owners are reluctant to sterilise their pets because
they consider it a sinful act.
However, they are very quick to throw the litter onto the streets or
leave them somewhere for others to take care of.Never take the easy way
If you have pets be kind to them and make sure they are treated
well.They are on the streets because they have no other place to call
HOME Don't forget that some of these dogs on the streets were once
someone's pets, or are the offspring of abandoned pets. Of course some
dogs may have strayed from their homes and ended up living on the
streets but in the majority of cases, the dogs we see on the roads today
are the result of human cruelty.
While some adult dogs have been abandoned by their owners either due
to sickness or old age, others have been abandoned as pups by
irresponsible pet owners.
As most of these abandoned female canines are not sterilised they
produce litters adding to the number of stray dogs in the country. They
rumage through garbage and strew it everywhere, disrupt traffic and also
attack passers by.They also spread diseases, especially rabies. Both man
and animal suffer as a result. But who other than we are to be blamed
for this stray dog menace?
My pet parrot is called Pinchi
and it is green in colour.
It is five years old,
It eats fruits and drinks water
and milk.
It talks to me.
I love Pinchi and it loves me too.
L. Lathumanchchari,
Grade 4,
Kingston College, Colombo 7.
My snoopy
We call you Snoopy Boy
Little puppy
As white as snow
Full of fur,
Only eyes could be seen,
Cuddly Boy,
Lived for thirteen years,
You were full of life,
In our family
You left us forever,
With tears in our eyes,
My achcha tried her best
To save you,
For one month, in and out
of the hospital,
Sad, we couldn’t help you,
You had reached you old age,
Again come and play with us,
We miss you my Snoopy Boy.
Nethmin Seneviratne,
Royal College,Colombo 7.
is a pet fish
My pet is a big fish. His name is Ricky but we call him Rick.Ricky
loves to eat fish food. He keeps me entertained me when I am bored. I
love him a lot.
Aaliya Riaz,
Grade 3C,St. Lawrence ‘s Convent,
Colombo 6.
My pet is a dog named Tommy.
My pet eats bones and
drinks water.
Tommy is white in colour and has a long tail. It has four legs.
It is a clever dog. I love my pet.
Sanjana Kavindu,
Grade 1B,
Negombo South International School,Nittambuwa.
Dogs have better qualities compared to humans
Don’t fight and kill each other.
Never rape their puppies,

They are always very faithful,
Don’t fight with the wife or partner
Never bite the hand that feeds it,
Never take bribes or do favours on duty,
Are very obedient to the master,
Never leave the master for better prospects,
Never forgets a person who helped
Love their puppies and don’t hurt them,
Wag the tail with heartfelt feelings,
Hears another dog’s bark of pain or fear,
Is always ready with a helping paw....
Whatever our breed may be,we on the
road too have all these qualities.
Kindly consider our plight and find us
homes please!