Observer - Caltex Rugby Contests:
Good support for front runners
RUGBY: Observer/Caltex Most Popular Rugby Player/Team Competition
2011. Sri Lanka half Fazil Marija is perched on top while CR&FC captain
Dushan Lewke and full back Nuwan Hettiarachchi are continuing their run
for the top berth in the fourth week’s count of the Sunday
Observer/Caltex Most Popular Rugger Player and Most Popular Rugger Team
competition. Fazil Marija and Dushan Lewke are two former national
captains and are also two former recipients of the award.
Kandy SC’s dynamic winger Sanjeeva Jayasinghe who is also a past
winner of the contest and will no doubt have the support from his
numerous supporters in the race to reach the top. In the team
competition, Kandy Sports Club and CR&FC are having a close tussle for
the top spot with Kandy SC and CR&FC receiving good support from