An educated pleasant kind and cultured partner with good values below 23 yrs. is sought by Buddhist Sinhala parent from Colombo for their son 24 yrs. 5’3” educated in reputed Australian University as Electrical Engineer now working with PR. Reply with family details and horoscope.
[email protected]
Australian PR Holder, Chartered Accountant with MBA (reading for PhD) Company Director son, parents, seek pleasant understanding, beautiful daughter below 35 years for marriage. Pl. Reply with H’cope. (Email: [email protected])
Aus B/K professional parents seek very pretty bride (including postgrad students) below 30 with interests music, piano, cricket, golf and etc. for N/S, T/T son 31, Aus citizen, height 5.8, tertiary qualification in finance and Investments, Govt employed, owns house and other assets. Copy of HC and other details in first letter. Email -
[email protected]
A well-mannered daughter is sought by B/G parents with a respectable family background residing near Galle for their son, eldest in the family, born in January 1981, height 5’4” and working in a reputed IT company as a Senior Software Engineer. Please respond only B/G families with a copy of the horoscope and contact details. E-mail
[email protected]
Bodu / Govi respectable parents seek a loving caring daughter who likes to live in Australia or now living in Australia for their good looking smart educated son 38 years. Divorcees without kids will be considered. Email -
[email protected]
Buddhist handsome son educated in a leading Colombo school, LLB honours (UK) Attorney-at-Law with partly completed LLM (UK) CIMA US Green Card Holder currently employed at a legal office in Colombo, 36 yrs height 5’9” non-smoker owns residential property with income from other properties, Vishwakula parents seek a suitable partner. Email
[email protected]
Buddhist parents from Colombo seek pretty educated bride for their son Software Engineer 31 years 5’7” working in UK Reply with horoscope and family details. Email:
[email protected]
Buddhist / Govi (Caste immaterial) professional parents US / SL dual citizen family seek for son 5’8” height, 32 years, TT / NS, System Engineering Manager, multinational group in Seattle, Washington. E-mail:
[email protected]
B/G parents in Australia seek pretty, educated daughter for their son 5’5”, 32 plus double degree holder working in London Oil and Gas field as Senior Executive. He inherits substantial assets. E-mails only.
[email protected]
B/G professional parents seek a fair, pretty, well mannered daughter below 25 from a family living in USA for their only son 26+ 5’10’’, System Engineer graduate Computer Science from a prestigious university in USA, and at present working for a multinational company in USA. Differences immaterial. Reply with contact details. E-mail:
[email protected]
Ceylon Moor parents U.K. seek bride for son, University student. Bride English educated, fair, tall, religious, intelligent, below 24 years, from respectable family. Bride should migrate. Groom / parents in Sri Lanka early August 2011. Strictly Moors. E-mail:
[email protected]
Colombo suburban Govi Buddhist respectable parents seek a professionally / academically qualified fair slim very pretty and well mannered daughter for their 28 year old handsome 5’10” MBBS Doctor son working in Govt. Hospital close to Colombo. Please reply with family details, horoscope and contact number. Email:
[email protected]
Colombo suburbs G/B respectable parents seek slim fair pretty partner educated professionally qualified or doing higher studies from a respectable family for son aged 23, 5’10” handsome NS/TT holding IT degree and MBA. Now studying for PhD in Australia assets worth 75 million, only sister MBBS doctor married to a doctor. Reply in English / Sinhala with family details and horoscope
[email protected]
Colombo suburbs G/B retired parents from government sector, seek educated pretty partner with Sri Lankan Buddhist values, willing to migrate Australia (Melbourne) for son 28, 5’7” Engineer with sober habits. Horoscope necessary. Coming for a vacation in September.
[email protected]
Colombo suburbs Sinhala BKG parents seek for only son, 34, 5’3”, established professional, NS/TT, a pretty life partner with Shani Mangala Yoga. His non-malefic horoscope is Dhanu Lagna / Kathi Nekatha.
[email protected]
Colombo suburb Buddhist Govi / Durawa respectable parents seek educated well brought-up slim, fair, pretty daughter with good character below 28 y for their well-brought up smart and handsome 31 y, 5’8” kind-hearted teetotaller, non-smoker engineer son. Please forward horoscope and family details with contact numbers. E-mail :
[email protected]
Govi/Buddhist parents from Gampaha District seek for their son, 35, (looks 30) 5’10”, very handsome, Australian University graduate, Business Manager of a Singapore Company, a fair pretty educated daughter below 30, height above 5’3”. He owns businesses and property in Sri Lanka and Singapore. Reply with details and horoscope. E-mail:
[email protected]
Moor parents living in UK looking for well educated bride for their 34, 5’7” Doctor son born and bred in England. E-Mail full details with to
[email protected]
Parents from Kandy seek for their handsome son 31 plus 5’6” tall, fair working abroad as an Manager of a international firm drawing over 3 lakhs monthly, inherits assets, looking for an educated pretty slim looking girl preferably a Catholic or Christian with a knowledge of English. Reply with copy of horoscope and contact no.
[email protected]
Radhala, Buddhist Kandyan parents seek a qualified partner below 28 years old for their academically and professionally qualified son, 5’6’’ tall, fair complexion and working in a leading bank in Colombo and owns family properties. Reply with horoscope along with all family details.
[email protected]
Respectable Govigama Catholic parents seek for their handsome son B.Sc Business Management and HR British citizen has assets, 26 yrs in U.K. and Sri Lanka, seeks a pretty, educated girl with a substantial dowry.
[email protected]
Respectable Sinhala BG parents seek loving fair daughter Australian resident below 30 for son 31 BSc MSc qualified Australian citizen employed in Melbourne divorced after brief marriage. Reply with HC. email:
[email protected]
Sinhala Buddhist parents living in Australia seek academically and professionally qualified pretty slim well mannered accomplished daughter preferably living in Australia or New Zealand for their 28 years son, 5’7” well employed, engineer, with sober habits. Caste immaterial. Please reply with full details.
[email protected]