Fitch and Moody's upgrade Lanka's sovereign rating
Fitch Ratings has upgraded Sri Lanka's Long-Term Foreign and Local
Currency Issuer Default Ratings (IDRs) to 'BB-' from 'B+'. The outlooks
on these ratings are 'Stable'.
Further, Fitch has upgraded the Country Ceiling to 'BB-' from 'B+'
and affirmed the Short-Term Foreign-Currency IDR at 'B'.
Meanwhile, Moody's Investors Service has upgraded outlook of Sri
Lanka's B1 foreign currency sovereign rating from 'Stable' to 'Positive'
due to the key factors - increasingly evident peace dividend reflected
in greater macroeconomic and financial stability; policy orientation of
fiscal reform and economic growth, supported by a successful IMF
program; improving external payments position; and reduction in
political event risk following the end of terrorism in 2009.
Fitch's decision to upgrade the ratings was based on the stabilis
ation and recovery of the economy and increased efforts by the
Government to bring down the budget deficit.
Moody's has said that augmented investor confidence and the increase
in investments along with the falling inflation, the economy is expected
to expand sustainably by 8-9 percent in the medium term.
The Central Bank has welcomed the upgrade and is confident that the
measures taken towards macroeconomic stability and economic improvement
would yield further favourable results.