Wedding Sam strengthens 'mud web'
Wedding Sam has intensified the mudslinging through his website. He
has instructed Gem Ferdy to hire scribes with an inborn talent to cook
up stories. "When we keep telling fabricated stories repeatedly, people
would believe them and then those become authoritative. We have tried
this successfully in the past," Sam told Ferdy.
Big, foul mouths, the common link
Sam pleaded with the Retired Big Lady to make a comeback to active
politics. Knowing only too well that he is unable to stand on his own,
Sam is now making a desperate attempt to use the Big Lady and disgraced
traitor Fonny for his political survival. Both Fonny and the Lady have
one thing in common - big, foul mouths!
Love-Slave wants one on one meeting
Sa-jeet, the Love-Slave has called for a one on one meeting with
Ra-Blue in a desperate attempt to reach an understanding. Kind-Siri's
decision to quit the Reformists' group has compelled Love-Slave to put
his leadership campaign on hold and have 'peace talks' with Ra-Blue.
Ra-Blue guns for opponents
Green seniors who deliberately kept away from the LG polls campaign
would be in big trouble. Ra-Blue is keeping a close tab on those who
skipped campaign work, especially those who are ardent supporters of
Love-Slave and those who had openly criticised the party leadership in
recent times.