Police seize 141 pornographic DVDs
by Jayampathy JAYASINGHE
The Walana Vice Squad seized a large number of pornographic DVDs
following a raid on a video parlour in Horana, police Media Spokesman S.
Prishantha Jayakody told the Sunday Observer.
Police seized 141 pornographic DVDs which had been downloaded from
the Internet to be sold among schoolchildren in the Horana area. The
video parlour between two schools in the area was patronised mostly by
A pornographic DVD is sold for Rs. 50 to schoolchildren, police said.
Policemen who posed as businessmen had asked the video parlour keeper
to give them 141 pornographic DVDs saying that they intended to start a
business elsewhere. The policemen had paid him Rs. 15,000 for the 141
The suspect from Badulla had set up the video parlour business in
Horana some time ago. The modus operandi of the businessmen was to
download obscene films following requests by customers.
The suspect was produced in court and granted bail.
The raid was conducted by OIC Walana Vice Squad, Inspector Duminda